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Everything posted by Tribby

  1. Great guide exactly what the community needed!
  2. Rejects but we've all played longer then you and are way better quality then you. You are so out of the loop dude it's actually hilarious but yeah not mad about getting hacked, pretty humble about the situation actually
  3. Damn nigga got owned by a guy that leads a clan called shadow kings
  4. Some people can't handle the pressure of leading a clan I suppose, impact had a cool message and decent quality honestly surprised when they closed to mass join ruin
  5. They made me have trust issues with Aussies
  6. Welcome to Cancerbrew hope you enjoy your stay
  7. I didn't get a response from 17 Bc he's an uneducated nerd that sweats at his computer talking nonsense on a nerd infested RuneScape fan site
  8. Don't worry mustafa I always enjoyed your company when I was active
  9. I'm not mad at all man, actually wasn't presenting any emotion with my response. I will say I do feel bad that you can't hold an actual conversation without posting false propaganda or flame bait in your response. You must be really awkward irl and I love the time I spent in both tlp and sup.
  10. Could of been selling them quarters for ounce prices instead got stuck wearing fi cape to fight brown sticky stuffty Mpcs
  11. I regret joining most priv server clans I was in
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