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Everything posted by belligerent

  1. I'm upset we lost but we did not deserve that win. We warred like absolute garbage. Congratulations Fearless, you certainly made a big impact in the LPC community.
  2. Lmfao Unbreakable is very dead
  3. You'd have a better shot passing EOC than def capped worlds.
  4. Xlpcs suck. Train up already. If there are mith and addy accounts take screen shots and post them. These topics are fucking cauliflower.
  5. Leak the other part where the rest of the leadership agrees then? If Broxx thinks I'm a spy that doesn't bother me one bit, the people I care about don't think that about me. And I don't blame him for throwing names out to the conversation, I've done the same. I've been in OP longer than most in our current ML. Now, like I said before, UB is fucking dead.
  6. Even with half your fucking group being 20-30 def, you still suck and get cleared ez. You would've closed about two months ago if you'd stuck to 1-4 def. Move to MPC already and quit fucking up our scene.
  7. Thanks for the scim retards. UB is fucking dead. broccolied members, brown sticky stuff leadership.
  8. Lmfao UB really is brown sticky stuff. Olympus wins again.
  9. Are you even looking at the opts there or are you just broccolied? You think we are going to give a crashing clan a fight? You refused to go 1v1 and waited till we we're fighting every time to crash. I bet your 50 seconds of total action was a blast.
  10. AAO, Envy and Doom need to move to MPC anyways so they'll need that time bracket for their brown sticky stuff fights.
  11. People that matter don't share this view. And that post is most likely fake so who gives a fuck.
  12. 1-4 Def at 88 Cb. Anything other than that will cause a run away effect and will fuck up the scene.
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