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Everything posted by bl00d`

  1. You guys are so obsessed and are desperately trying to force this toxic rivalry, Fi simply fights whoever we can on our weekend trips. Stop being so butthurt that we declared, build a bridge and get over it.
  2. if you keep up the pulls why not i guess, it's just weird having a #1 clan that isn't atleast in the top 3 in matched opts fights. I guess this is the new normal of clanning.
  3. why do you have a picture from 30th August? Grats on your trip looked fun
  4. i legit dont get why Zenith are so mad, they've been saying nobody has been providing action and now we're doing exactly that lol
  5. genuinely don't know why you guys are so mad lol, shouldn't you be happy that we're giving you fights down 20? Good fights look forward to more.
  6. You're so cauliflower it's beyond comprehension, get a grip wow. Admit defeat like a man? What are you 12? This is runescape mate. I didn't say we beat you, it's quite evident that we didn't. i'm simply stating your starting and ending options are a little off how that's so difficult to grasp is beyond me. A re-group with 60? In which fight? The first fight got crashed by mains we dipped south we had 50-60 left not 40. You had 75~ left you won grats. Second fight? 0 on the battlefield? Ye sure when TLP crashed lol. Third fight 15 left? Like that's possible when you're fighting at Gdz and we have a 94 magic average. Like there's nothing called a map glitch in a high-scaled fight 102 on Ts? The entire channel or our pk channel lol. Drop 30? We dropped 14~ 1 hour and 20 mins or so into our trip when many people had to get off to go to work or simply just had other commitments. It's evident that you're a moron when your own clan members state that you're an embarrassment. Get a grip nobody said Foe didn't win i just said the ending opts weren't correct no idea why you're raging just making yourself look like a spastic and tainting your clans image
  7. "shout-out to fi for pulling 90 then dropping to 60" Shouldn't be talking about pulls mates, your mediocre pull resulted in you getting wiped off the atlas by RD.
  8. Didn't ever have more than 90, didn't ever have less than 40 in-game. Nice pull though
  9. Proof? You seem quite salty that you've closed 4 times. :/
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