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Everything posted by Fantas

  1. Not salty or anything b/c had fun fighting you, but matter of interest why were you out with MPCs? Just because unofficial or?..
  2. Seriously close prep, thank you very much for accepting prep on such short notice. Congrats on your win
  3. You got absolutely smacked. We even ran into singles with 50+ opts to spam at you to "come and get it" when you were trying to snipe from singles and still your tofu members were getting dragged and dropped like MP3 downloads from 2005. Obsolete. Edit: HAHAHAHAAH your video is actually hilarious you didn't even block out the cape counter.
  4. AAO and VT just close already. Actually no stay open you're giving us such easy loot by trying to compete with us. Thanks for the fights OP.
  5. GJ CD, changing the P2P game so it seems, props for that.
  6. Get rid of the CPL we have now, it sucks and is totally bogus. Reinstate RAW List with mandatory MLs and locked MLs once war is accepted. Colour code the RAW list by: HPC, MPC, LPC, (xLPC) so without making other RAW lists, more interesting that a MPC might be higher ranked than a HPC etc, plus this way you can instantly see who's the #1 in each tier. Can only declare up, obviously, because it's a ladder system, not a points system.
  7. You literally got smacked 1v2, Apex 10 down, cleared both of your brown sticky stuff clans and the looted the mith (g) platelegs, then you attacked the survivors of us who had no prayers and invs full of loot, proven by your videos by the fact that you are approaching Bandits outside from the south as we are leaving it, you having a fuck tonne of people with no skulls. We wouldn't have to cut off our video mid fight to show you that.
  8. You crashed our fight with a fuck load of mains and we cleared you l0l
  9. Ferocious was the only Apex member in their Teamspeak. No one else would go in because no one else had a VPN.
  10. There was 4 Apex people there as invites who kind of also ended up just taking the piss at the end when we figured out that we weren't BS'd and that Doom had sniped, we returned with our own capes and 1v1'd people for a bit and BS'd each other. Funny brown sticky stuff though, I enjoy your joke. I don't know if "well done" is exactly the word to use but I enjoy this.
  11. Hope Ruin decide to hit us first next week so we can knock their sorry asses out of the wilderness again. Would have been nice to have some kind of challenge, maybe if they had food that'd work. Funny that, too, though, because I remember refilling on my food with tonnes to spare when I was clearing the bank loot off the floor.
  12. Would have been nice to see you in the wild, only clan we didn't see and absolutely GWAS.
  13. We forgive you for thinking that anyone with better gear than you is Apex, though.
  14. Your second video, in your topic, is titled "AAO Vs Apex", and you can go ahead and get whoever it is to edit the title of the video, but the text in the video even says vs Apex so you can't pull a fast one. Not to mention the tower you got spamming GF Apex. That looks pretty conclusively that you're trying to claim a win against us, otherwise don't include that brown sticky stuff in your topic.
  15. Are you actually fucking serious. Fucking cancer. Come prep us if you honestly think you'd even dent us. Edit: Gratz on your win verses Vitality.
  16. Multiple times it drops to 23, then goes back to 24. People in your CC are even suggesting that they've been killed. At one point (and this is only so far) your opts go up to 25, and that's in your video. I swear to god that on my screen in that run in, at one stage there was 28 of your team cape, and people in Apex who were there will agree. Honestly, don't care, you guys smashed us, but I'm just having serious difficulty believing that you only had 24 people considering the evidence to suggest otherwise.
  17. F2p fight with you guys was fun as hell, not trying to talk brown sticky stuff but just to be legit amend your ops to "28". You starting ops were 24 alright, but a bunch of you guys logged in after the fight started, your team capes suddenly jumped to 28, that's why we didn't return. Considering we dropped a few, we were estimating we were outnumbered by at least 10 and F2P is just fun for us at the moment. Looked like you guys had a lot of fun on the trip and thank you for the fight
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