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Everything posted by dalecapone

  1. Eat more crows u cauliflower 4nr, ur mom ran away with a black man when you were young and you've never actually recovered
  2. I see you mentioned sovereign but I do not see any pictures of sv members.
  3. I'm giving this point across from an unbiased point of view and the fact that your comment openly confirmed that you have no problem with the fact that your clan had to ddos a rival clans team speak to compete
  4. Shocking how tlp have to snoop so low to try get one free bet on their ex members
  5. Please take this comment however you would like but don't you guys criticize op for bringing mains but in this video you have at least 2 mains in usain bolt range? Double standards much
  6. Lmfoaoaoaososo do you guys even have a brain????
  7. Sovereign always wins

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. LongShlong
    3. CriticalBrainDed
    4. Dave'


      U havent given us a clean wildernes run in or a cwa fight yet @dalecapone

  8. "http://giphy.com/gifs/text-good-burger-dJ1VnD0nKus48"http://giphy.com/gifs/text-good-burger-dJ1VnD0nKus48[/img]
  9. Bring forth the man who made the call we will have him hung, drawn and quarter
  10. Not once single pure in the pictures Edit: pure in the first picture the ratio looks about right for op 1 pure to 3 mains
  11. Took a while to get back on your feet from that flame, uok braden? No hard feelings innit
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