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  1. Like
    R3lv got a reaction from slime in hej sharkbrew   
    closed ur clan into eop and then got kicked 
    ty for members rtard wahah
  2. Thanks
    R3lv got a reaction from holydreams in A message to Final Ownage from the superiors of pure clanning   
    i dont speak virgin sorry
  3. Like
    R3lv got a reaction from Legend Tanner of EOP in Who's gunna take #2 LPC for this Saturday? EOP or FOE?   
    It is literally a poll between 2 clans 
    You are quite the clown sir 
  4. Like
    R3lv got a reaction from Legend Tanner of EOP in Who's gunna take #2 LPC for this Saturday? EOP or FOE?   
    foe #2 eop #1
  5. Like
    R3lv got a reaction from Togo in PSA: Tederick over 200 days of anime watch time in the last 4 years   
    eeew wtf @ don't ever speak to me again
  6. Like
    R3lv got a reaction from PornPolice in Fun wildy run ins   
    always amazed me how MM cleared foes 39 def turmoil "pures" with such ease matched

  7. Like
    R3lv got a reaction from PornPolice in Fun wildy run ins   
    always amazed me how MM cleared foes 39 def turmoil "pures" with such ease matched

  8. Like
    R3lv got a reaction from JoJo in Worst leader in the clans you are/have been in   
    pk3lmo couldn't call and constant fuck-ups (holydreams wasn't leader at the time)
  9. Like
    R3lv got a reaction from A L L E N in Opinions   
    close - ub. Remakes of dead clans usually dont last long
    Re-open - TLP. Nerds who cant let go of the game can't let go 
  10. Like
    R3lv got a reaction from nICK1 in LMFAOOO ERIK BRO   
    I heard divine called 1st round yday and prep today
    so Eop is now 4-1 against foe in lpc era, #1. 
  11. Like
    R3lv got a reaction from M00 in wait wtf??? hmmm???   
    obviously a clan who is down 25 isn't going to engage in a return fight therefore eop gwasd foe then left the field. Should be pretty obvious lo but I guess u have to hold onto every little kill pic nowadays seeing as u got so demolished in preps and wild over the last 2 weeks
  12. Like
    R3lv got a reaction from Out Kast in Foe's message to the community   
    Reading through that topic and the replies I feel so sick. 
    All those new ranks and members think they're apart of the real old foe?
    You are apart of the foe that lost rivalries to both TLP and EOP and made them go 30 defence even thought the members voted against it because you had no other idea of what would get you out of the slump. Now you're trying to make demands when you bring just as many mains as anyone else? Just stop crying and wait out the slump and pray that True whip, Adhi or someone else with a a brain comes along again and tell your clueless leadership how not to be broccolied. 
  13. Like
    R3lv reacted to Shadows in Foe's message to the community   
    Kind of justin beiber not going to lie. You were the clan who fought the most to stay 1-25 def, then eventually accepted 30. Now that clans are going back to 1-4 defense, you decide to bash at the clans who are looking to try and do something about it.
    Our community has been at a stand still for the longest time, it is about time something different happened. 
  14. Like
    R3lv reacted to Sharkbrew Legend(Backup) in Foe's message to the community   
    fo actually think they hold any merit in this pure community lmfao, you kids are a bunch of cry babies who scatter when you face any competition, and that's all you're ever gonna be lmfao.
  15. Like
    R3lv got a reaction from Corn_husker in [>Corrupt Pures<] No Bullshit, Just Results Ft. Foetality   
    Foe made fun of jordai for leaving them
    now Jordais bullying them every weekend l0l gg
  16. Like
    R3lv got a reaction from Corn_husker in [>Corrupt Pures<] No Bullshit, Just Results Ft. Foetality   
    Foe made fun of jordai for leaving them
    now Jordais bullying them every weekend l0l gg
  17. Like
    R3lv got a reaction from Corn_husker in [>Corrupt Pures<] No Bullshit, Just Results Ft. Foetality   
    Foe made fun of jordai for leaving them
    now Jordais bullying them every weekend l0l gg
  18. Like
    R3lv got a reaction from Andre in [Foe] #1 F2P TRIP ~ BREAKING CP ~ NO BULLSHIT JUST RESULTS LOL   
    justin beiber spams lol
  19. Like
    R3lv got a reaction from lookatwhatidid in TLP Vs. Foc F2P Prep 2-1 BACK 2 BACK   
    got lucky tlp
    gratz on getting lucky
  20. Like
    R3lv got a reaction from knikker in TLP, MM, M Hanuman Says it how it is.   
    Having a hard time taking anything Hanuman post/says serious since he dedicated his life to being succesful in a runescape clan and failed lol
    now he's trying again, just look at his signature on Mayhem forums L0L so proud of his achievements on the mmorpg runescape
  21. Like
    R3lv got a reaction from Ram in Sunday: fatality Broken   
    ended first with 27 today'
    gratz eop
  22. Like
    R3lv got a reaction from Blue in What vehicles do you drive?   
  23. Like
    R3lv got a reaction from Blue in What vehicles do you drive?   
  24. Like
    R3lv got a reaction from Blue in What vehicles do you drive?   
  25. Like
    R3lv got a reaction from Blue in What vehicles do you drive?   
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