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Ernst Junger

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Everything posted by Ernst Junger

  1. When this happens people will mass leave their HPC clans and stick with their MPC, more former HPC clans will close and eventually you'll have to adapt because people won't ruin their accounts for HPC stats. The fact that the MPC scene is so active atm is just a reaction to the ridiculous situation of the HPC bracket.
  2. Same for you; learn to read a memberlist. http://clan-rage.com/community/?memberlist=memberlist
  3. Clam down son, or you'll shoot in your pants
  4. No, it's just hard to take SB seriously after all the recent bs about mpc's and hpc's.
  5. Just like the mpc scene isn't full with maxed 92 cb pures either lmao. Most of them are 80's and even 70's, so there's a big difference. Pre-eoc both brackets were quite similar yes, but back then a 39 defence pure wasn't a serious thing either, which it is now. And no I'm not ruining my account with high attack and prayer levels to match up with a bunch of 100+ cb ""pures"".
  6. That's right you absolute genius, the mpc scene has a 92 cb cap lmfao
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