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Everything posted by Fatall

  1. name a clan better than supremacy? protip: u can't

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Yaz


      #1 F2P/P2P/CWA as they've proved many times before

    3. ASK


      Said no one ever

    4. I_R0BUST_I


      PiC was the best clan ever

  2. who? another xlpc? join #jihad opening 2016
  3. @@Moni I don't know what's more sad the fact that you have more than 4k posts on a community forum or the fact that you've raised that to 6k in only three months. You got 2k posts in three months. I don't even want to work out how many posts that's a day, fuck me, considering how dead these forums are in terms of topics you must have posted on every god damn cancer ridden topic posted ever. Collect stamps by any chance?
  4. Your sig is really motivating: what does rd stand for? I haven't heard of the leader b4 but he sounds like 13th, is this an xlpc?
  5. Fatall

    sup v fi [2-0]

    ty for fight fi more clans should f2p mini grind
  6. Is his kid going to attend too?
  7. Personally I would reopen pic because I have very good memories of the people in that clan <3 But lets be honest who wouldn't like to see MM/NME return? A lot of good players quit with those clans:(
  8. There's enough leaks, enough numbers and enough competition to ensure action. Hopefully this period will last after sv's opening hype diminishes especially if any other mpcs move up, it's a good time for the hpc scene:)
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