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Everything posted by Paddy

  1. It's a 50v5 prep... How did imp cheat? They didn't have to drop, that wasn't in the rules. Don't sign up for a a category you can't meet the requirement to.
  2. Heard it was mandatory for all elite members+ to have a main and a pure @ confirmed it I believe
  3. Nah, we got a liberal ass Bernie support as leader.
  4. Shout out to sudo/nick/dull whoever ddos'd me. I got to see the U.S. get wrecked. My IP will by changed as soon as I get off work so RIP. Was hilarious seeing you guys drop FI capes when no one returnined in them at all. Was comical seeing you return in 1/3/4 item with auto retaliate on and afking lmao. Broken clan. Glad my officials knew when to end.
  5. Honestly surprised you guys didn't drop to 29 for us.
  6. What? I feel like we aren't blaming you at all. Everyone knows it's EOP after they hacked our forums. Thought it was common knowledge half of our clan has been getting ddos'd at preps. There's no point in posting proof, we know who it is, no one bothers taking pictures anymore. BTW, yes people dc'd against you on the P2P. Like I said it's become so common, it's expected, so no one screen shots or anything loll
  7. We were 3 from the start and 6 of us dc'd that round. Come again please. Everyone fight in the past month we have had against you we were ddos'd. Just looking forward to some equal ground fights.
  8. Good fight. Felt like we had the second round until a few us dc'd. Hopefully we can fix our connection problems and get everything worked out for more enjoyable fights.
  9. let's be real... all eop has is a spic stache leader with some college freshman that are majoring in computer science to ddos clans.. not much at all
  10. lol @@17_ rd is brown sticky stuff3r d3ad l0000l0l0l0l thoughts????????? L0L0L0L JUMPS SHIP TO EOP AFTER FI KILLED RD L000000000000L
  11. Idk, but he joined fi twice, spied, and still went back to rd l0l
  12. if your add doom/foe, mine as well add your minion clan rd lol..
  13. I like the competitive aspect, sadly, as well know the game involves much luck with hits/high hits ect. But it's still loads of fun. Which returning fights were more prevalent like in main clanning. I've met quite a few real good guys in Fatality that I'd have no problem with meeting up and grabbing a beer with. I guess that goes hand in hand with a good community? I've already met up with one person in Fatality so yea community is a big part of clanning on this game.
  14. I had a blast, didn't see EOP at all this trip (heard FOE DICKED EOP) confirmed?
  15. You had more mains than pures. Was funny as soon HPC massed, you lost over 35 people because EOP left. LOL.
  16. NOTINNNNN WUU2, By the way, don't take credit for brown sticky stuff on North Ave beach....... Most popular and trashy beach in Chicago. Don't make me laugh.... @
  17. MM and Foe for obvious reasons. MM had the most famous pure. FOE had the P2P pkers that mad tons of videos.
  18. Good fighter. People over hype him as some sort God and a stand up human being. At the end of the day he was a cocky, arrogant asshole who lived in the Greatest country in the world. Talked brown sticky stuff about that country, and we still allowed him to live in after all tomatoic things he did. Quote me if mad. If up for serious discussion pm me on swiftirc [fi]paddy
  19. We are talking about a different round dude. I clearly said round 1. Don't get all offensive, re-read what I had said. Round 1 we were up 4 people for the majority of the fight and some people had world issues. I'm not making excuses, I enjoyed the fight. Hopefully both our officials can square up our differences and get some clean fights each week.
  20. Can't say much. Round 1 we should have won, we were up 4 but 3 people dc'd from world. Round 2 I got logged out of RS for some reason and we had a broccoli who attacked first round 2. Not really worth giving you a round 3. Hopefully we fight you more often now. It was a clean fight, which was very enjoyable.
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