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Everything posted by GODS HOLY WORK

  1. holy fuck you're cauliflower ahahahah
  2. I like how cordial you are. I rescind my earlier comments, friend. I wish you luck this weekend.
  3. that's exactly it it was a terrible analogy, I'm sorry
  4. creates a fail bait topic, ends up going into a pubescent rage and ends up getting trolled by Zeppke instead, 11/10 terrible back to English 100 at your 2nd rate learning university
  5. looking for players for a FACEIT dropin, rank updated LEM+ pm

    1. iObsession
    2. knikker


      it me

      global elite / 15 rws retired godlike cs player

    3. Rinse


      im gn1 but play like an mlg columbus player, can i be apart plz

  6. when trash kids get rich and form a team, lmao.
  7. i'll join just bc the banner is sexy
  8. I come browse after 2 months and you're still letting out all that frustration from 7 years of complete irrelevancy, lmao!
  9. lol, this is still going on?
  10. Re-read both comments and try to use your brain.
  11. And they still had 20x more success than you did with EoP, lmfao.
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