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Everything posted by UNBREAKABLE3917

  1. This is why I like Doom, no bullbrown sticky stuff claims just straight to the point. Grats Doom
  2. This. MPCs, not as that scene is exactly competitive.
  3. ok fi are brown sticky stuff tho
  4. EOP over 1.5 remaining, <2 corners, 2 yellows.
  5. 2 topics for a miniwar vs an MPC. GOOD JOB FI REALLY COMING OUTTA THAT SLUMP
  6. CR: SV - A clan that really has nothing going for them, they have awful quality (see clan wars record) and their recent weekend topics shows how bad their weekends are getting. They used to be able to pull high, which kept them alive and kicking, but this has dropped rather dramatically. Weekends of sitting in singles and being happy with this will soon begin to grind their less-loyal members. Apex - A leadership with little to no direction and lacking in experience leading or calling for quality clans. None of the ranks have been a predominant rank in another clan, most hung on the coattails of the better ranks. In order to survive they need to work on core quality, i,e. not those who care more about their HPC than Apex. VU: Fatality - Although I don't think they will close, as they are stubborn, they have fallen into a slump. From teaming with SV to losing to EOP and RD, it's been quite the eventful last few weeks for their members. It seems that you can't teach these old dogs new tricks, every time they pull low they stay humble and earn some respect until they inevitably have an influx of applicants/ex-members come back and they begin the ego trip again - which is generally shot down when they fall back to their 40/50 pulls. Doom - I like these guys but they're the new kids on the block so by default are vulnerable. All the brown sticky stuff HPCs are trying to focus them to make a name for their-selves but ultimately it's quite embarrassing when the new kids on the block are doing more work on the weekends than their "rivals".
  7. If you're Dom from Massacre you're a brick layer and your Dad is on the dole. Grats EOP Grats TLP Grats Doom Grats RD That is all
  8. Today we massed up 55 sharks to feast on aao (no caps as sign of disrespect), Later peaking at 63. We began by dismantling them and imploding them from within and sending them on their way to ending their trip 30 minutes in. Don't care for LPCs/MPCs but if you're going to purposely not capitalise AAO because it's a "sign of disrespect" then why you have capitalised "later" following a comma? Also, read back the quoted above - it tells you absolutely nothing about what happened, you've tried to make your topic as animated as possible yet it doesn't say what happened. Next time focus more on the content rather than the buzz words. While we're on the topic I think you might want to learn the definition of "implode" and then you will see why "imploding them from within" is quite possibly the most broccolied statement on this site.
  9. you're still irrelevant in the eyes of a real caller like toxic. irrelevant in the eyes of a real caller like toxic. real caller like toxic. toxic.
  10. FI can't even win their rivalry against RD never mind EOP lmfao
  11. Weekly brown sticky stuff post from Jonathan, see more here: http://www.sharkbrew.com/community/index.php?/user/3712-jonathan/
  12. TLP v SV - When it first started, SV were quite happy to 1v1. Look at it now, SV will not fight TLP unless it's in single, TLP is already in a fight with another clan or SV are teaming with another clan. SV have also focused their attention to Doom now, speaks for itself really. EOP v FI - All I'll say about this one is that FI have had to start licking SV's ass just to come out on weekends. EOP aren't winning this, they've already won.
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