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Posts posted by Foe_Abdullah

  1. lmfao cp is brown sticky stuff and eop is even worse

    Even if he is autoswitching (which he is, the way his mouse teleports at parts of the video. I can do perfect switches consistently and my mouse doesn't even move in the exact same movement every time like this guy. I have 1000s of hours nh experience and it is very obvious to me.) who cares lol. He is brown sticky stuff compared to most nhers I play with. Like he'd legit get bodied playing against people like me who are dedicated nhers and don't use auto switchers. When I'm not at school, gym, studying, or with friends, I just practice nhing on private servers every chance I get (some days 8 hours+). There's at least 10+ dedicated nhers I can think of off the top of my head, who i play against regularly every day on different servers, that would blow a player like this out of the water. He's slow as fuck, no fakes, no delays, no 1 ticks, he misses 15%s constantly, and his character movement is not on the level of a great nher. Doing simple 4 way switches against clueless players is really not hard. I am in the process of making a no honor montage (i've been collecting clips for weeks just need to cut and compile them all) and I will post it to this subreddit soon when I am finished. You will see the massive difference between someone like this who is slow and uses an autoswitcher and someone like me who can switch faster without an autoswitcher and fluidly change my playstyle because I'm actually doing the clicks manually. The thing about using an autoswitcher is he has to use it because he is slow in the brain. He just bullies retards who have no clue how to pk on osrs. Legit wouldn't be able to keep up vs a real nher. That's just fact


    edit: sorry for rant. nhing is just an art form I am passionate about

    and it's sad seeing brown sticky stuff players like this even getting as much

    attention as they get. mark my words when I release my frag video I will

    be seen as one of the goat nhers, second only to backb0ne, for the time


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