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Everything posted by fireSTAFF

  1. @ how much did i get from you again? i'm just wondering I don't remember lmfao.
  2. 8-0 record. pretty good for a clan that rely's on mains lmfao.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Logic


      query jizzle in rages irc for quick smoke

    3. K0nt
    4. Chad Thundercock

      Chad Thundercock

      I agree Olympus did close imp v2 with a clean 2-0

  3. The mighty legend fireSTAFF knows all. Do not fuck with me.
  4. @@Hormone @@Remy @ your clan is so fucking garbage lmfao. just fucking close.
  5. obrown sticky stuff looks like things are worse for doom than I thought. lost a 4th in a row lmfao. https://www.sharkbrew.com/community/index.php?/topic/33887-eruption-of-pures-vs-doom-p2p-clanwars-2-0/
  6. you must be silly or something then. not to mention we had like 3 or 4 pub off preps that we smoked our "competition" as well.
  7. Who's gonna win? Cd's currently on a win streak in cwa, while doom is spiraling downwards. My money is on cd 2-0 doom logs out after the smoke sesh. @@Remy @@Hormone @@Moni respond please.
  8. fuck man, we just can't stop winning lmfao gl @@Remy @@Hormone looking forward to seeing you shake in your boots.
  9. seriously how do we let the stupidest kids on these forums have rights to ban people? lmafo, this site is a joke.
  10. @@Singles can't even speak english lmfao broccoli
  11. @@Ari i'm not from doom lmfao. Also not a troll account to "hide my identity", I just like this name lmao. http://critical-damage.org/forums/index.php?showuser=1168
  12. did you just make a topic saying you're not obsessed, but in said topic you showed 6 different pictures about the same dood? what the fuck @@Ari please stop being broccolied for your own sake.
  13. you must be dumb af if you actually believe that. most clans won't prep a team if the team is doing well as their ego doesn't want them to lose to a "team".
  14. you cauliflower mother fucking 4ner can't even spell ally right smfh
  15. damn, it looks like op just can't win at anything lmfao. no wonder they closed.
  16. LMFAO YOU REALLY ARE A broccoli. i love it.
  17. you talk big, but then i remember your country is neighbors with the sand usain bolt countries and i lol.
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