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Meet Them With Scims

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Everything posted by Meet Them With Scims

  1. Did u stop going 2 ur therapist? The retarded posts are back, so I suppose thats a yes..
  2. no1 in ob liked u lmfaoo they used u as a slave, thats what u will always be
  3. Join EoP, war is gonna close again in 3 weeks and reopen in 6 months like they've done in the past 5 years
  4. I got your mom's fat ass on my mind rn

  5. didnt cp pull 100 mains and 20 pures for their trips? stfu dog
  6. nothing will stop me and my fs piggies from ragging supremacy for gp + lets not forget 3at threatened to hack my boy gburak's family, doxed him and ddosed him i dont off the indian
  7. At some point we had like 15 @ 13s while all ur mains ran east to ca, we regrouped to get full opts and fucked sup pures + mains at ca l0l ty 4 monies
  8. That is fake. Fs mains first hit was on u retards at south graves. After my leak told me where ur main group was, I scouted it out at north graves and then we started ragging u cunts at south graves after u had like 15 ingame at 13 ports, u ran all the way east to ca where IR pures were smoking Sup pures and we fucked ur ass l0l :rolf:
  9. As you all should know by now, EoP leader Lalo aka Ha 0wn3d2 just left the clan to join Siege with his former EoP leader and colleague Dull. Most of you must be thinking it's because of what happened this weekend (EoP got dicked on their 13 year anniversary, 0 lube) but the real reason is something more complex. As a retired member (probably banned from the community after this post) of EoP myself, I just have to say that the current state of the clan is chaotic. The things haven't been the same since Dull went inactive/left because of drama with a goblin (whom has the most disgusting voice of the pure community) and posteriorly accused of scamming hundreds of millions from EoP members/ranks (proof has yet to be shown). Things in the pirate ship didn't get better with the return of Jamz, the guy with the biggest ego in the pure community and his boyfriend Moe, both who previously were in EoP and left for EoP's rival clan FO. Lalo finally opened his eyes and realized EoP wasn't what he was thinking all this time. I feel sad to see the current state of the clan I commited to during almost 3 years. 3 fucking years of domination being thrown drown the drain. The anniversary was just pathetic, but shit happens, EoP is used to win in wilderness since 2016, and this probably was the biggest loss in many years for the clan. And it's being thrown because of dumb leadership decisions, bad promotions, drama and some gloryhunter seeking for his attention. Yes, I'm talking about you mr Jamz. Ahhh, Jamz, where do I start with your dumb ass...You are legit the most egocentric kid I've ever met on this game, you think everything revolves around you, claiming wins on your calling skills, blaming losses on other ranks. Let me give you a reality check: you can't carry a clan on your back, you stupid moron. Let's go back in time to 2017, during the "Golden Era"; the era where EoP was unstoppable, both in pulls and quality. Don't forget that Fearless closing into EoP was the most impactful to happen to keep EoP being a dominant clan. Oh but who claimed credit for most of the dominance the clan was having? You, "the best caller on the game" () The facts are, your era has to be one of the worst community/wilderness-wise between 2015-2017. You were handed a clan pulling 100s on weekends to both f2p/p2p, the best clan wars quality of all pure clans, active community and yet managed to make the pulls drop to 50 in under 3 months & make forums go completely dead (This pastebin contains 50 names of the people who either left or got kicked during Jamz leadership). Shortly after slumping EoP, you sold high rank logs to FO and went MIA, and thank God, that was the best thing to happen during that period. It's just funny to see you pointing fingers on others when you are extremely worse. My favorite one, which sums up how much of a glory hunter you are: To all my fellow EoP members who still love the clan, I wish you good luck. It's gonna be tough to recover from this shitstorm. Btw debb, stop being a pussy. I still have faith in you and fat Jackk to do the right thing. More of behind the scenes will be released soon, time to cut the grass and show who the real snakes are.
  10. There's a storm coming to EoP headquarters...

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