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Everything posted by DilL

  1. anyone not surprised by this disgusting main clan? also not surprised that Edgi's cc hosts the army of degenerates lmfao.
  2. supremacy-rs.com | "supremacy rs" cc | supremacy.verygames.net Happy Quarantine Week 4 boys and girls. Supremacy is back at it again now with 75 tigers claiming #1 from the likes of wins against many clans such as Zenith, Apex and Fatality. And despite garbRage having +20 on us and unable to fight their rivals, we still managed to demolish those retards not ONCE, but TWICE in singles. And just like that shit garbRage clan did for the past 5 weeks, garbRage spent their F2P trip for the 6th week in a row at clan wars. Surprised that Fatality didn't join them lmao. Thanks to all clans that gave us clean action. See you all tomorrow. Our first fight started off with a bang as we took on Fatality at east bandits. As the fight went on and we quickly demolished their opts, clans from all sides came rushing in to crash. We wrapped around the original spot where the fight was and hit Apex/Zenith while they were attempting to snipe at the single line. After Zenith and Apex left the scene, we met with Fi once again and rushed their opts. In seconds, the green men fled back to singles without putting up a fight. Gf fi lol For our second fight, we rushed an ambushed Fi south of p13s. We secured the fight against Fi for a while before they got demolished into only 45 left in game to our 60 just before FOE crashed. The third fight of the day was abrupt. Despite Rage attempting to rush us from behind as we were rushing Fi/Apex, we quickly turned around and focused the rats. GarbRage were only able to put up a fight despite being up 10 for a few seconds before they ran from their daddy Foe lmao. We continued the fight in singles, camping those rats until their members got fed up on teamspeak. Not only did we smack them in singles once with superior bow-scim switches, we did it TWICE! Try again garbage lmfao. Our last find ended with a bang against Apex. We met with them at Corp Hill, starting with 63 to their 66. We end up smoking their backlines with each and every scim push flawlessly, throwing them as low as 45 to our 58 in game. We ended up even opts just before FOE crashed. Gf Apex. Sikkoh Ham
  3. why did you pull 100 and avoid your rivals? lmfao these are all questions we wanna know. reply if you’re a fucking wimp btw
  4. i watched your dumbass leave your trip last week literally 26 minutes in. stfu and focus on how you can be active for your clan you stupid rat lmao
  5. lol at what your clan did on your rival's anni lmao
  6. yeah, you managed to run away from your rivals and have a 30 minute trip stfu lmfaooo you're embarrassing and disgusting of a leader
  7. imagine doing absolutely nothing with 100 people in your channel l0l you proud of beating 40 level 60's?
  8. supremacy-rs.com | "supremacy rs" cc | supremacy.verygames.net On the last F2P weekend trip of March, 64 Supremacy takes on Fatality in multiple 1v1's. With clever scim pushes and strategic bows, Supremacy takes W's all day against the green clan despite the multiple crash attempts by Rage. Unlike Rage, who spent their entire trip running from their rivals, Supremacy successfully remains the last clan standing on this very day! Grats to Supremacy, thank you to Fatality, and Happy Anniversary Foe. To begin our Saturday, we defended at East Bandits with 60 Tigers just as Fatality rushes with 50. We managed to take control of the fight, even clearing out 3 Fi kids with a single scim push. We smash Fi down to 40 opts just before Rage attempts to crash our fight. We take down the Garbage just before they scurry like rats away from FOE. For our second fight, we defend at p13s with Fatality rushing us from the east side of pond. They are taken down with ease back to 50 in game before Rage comes in to save them. FOE once again crashes the fight, causing Rage rats to scurry lol. We resume our fight at corp hill just before FOE could crash again. The last round against Fi was once again at P13's. We take them by surprise as they sat in P13's waiting for someone to take the bait. We demolish them down to 25 in game before they call it done in singles. Was ez. Thanks for the fights, Fi. Sikkoh Ham PeaceSeeker
  9. even when your own clan sits you, they still lose stay useless
  10. it's bad day to be rage bear lmfao
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