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Everything posted by DilL

  1. this pabz freak is broken just like the rest of the CD in rage lmfaoooo take @TBR’s route and leave while you still can. i’m sure you guys are used to your leader abandoning you
  2. you’ll be pulling 30 in a few weeks btw lmfoaoooo
  3. only thing cringe is your poor propaganda and lack of response to a topic geared toward your very bad leadership’s decisions lmfao grow some balls and say something
  4. None of Rage is allowed back in Supremacy btw lmfao
  5. ur actually not allowed to talk in pure topics when you’re literally a main clan
  6. they didn’t pm you to come bc they knew u were shit low opt fights come down to your best core members. obviously your 20 best are fucking shit LMFAO u lost to bp btw 7 rounds
  7. at least he can formulate proper thoughts lmfao
  8. you lost a 20v20 to blunt pures btw lmfao grats on #12
  9. you lack confidence to show ppl who u are on a medieval 2007 simulator btw l00000l stay hidden and insecure
  10. i don't off. i hit a nerve with half you niggas l00l
  11. ????????? you literally sound braindead. i was in supremacy after aao closed. r u ok??
  12. nigga why are you talking about apex and ub? wtf they gotta do with this
  13. are you fucking retarded? aao didn't use teamspeak you dumb mute rat lmfaoooooooo. you know nothing about your own clan
  14. come out of hiding lmfaooooo pussy. too scared to approach me
  15. i've never been in the same teamspeak as you lmfao you sound like a fanboy
  16. ye, come camp my clan l0000l i wanna see you try
  17. you hide behind a hider alias under the name of an old fuck billionaire that you'll never become btw lmfaoooo come out of hiding scary ass l0l
  18. l00l flaming not gonna make anything better you cringe fuck
  19. i agree, but if we're talking about a prep which includes an attack/defending and pkri round, then 3 pkri rounds do not count as a prep. especially if they were ft50's
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