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Everything posted by J-Swag

  1. J-Swag


    CP never has and never will be #1 lmao. The only oldschool clan to have never been #1.
  2. Sorry I don't speak sign language.
  3. I think you'll find that I leaked CP leaderforums 5 years ago, the first ever pure leaderboard leaks. If you'd like to take a trip down memory lane, some of the pictures can still be found here (some have become broken URL's): http://eop-rs.org/community/index.php?/topic/11897-cp-council-leak-the-first-ever-pure-leader-forums-leak/ I guess that makes you the one who is broccolied and new?
  4. J-Swag


    I'm sure TLP will be fine, even when they haven't had good pulls in their history they have usually had enough quality to bully piss-tier clans like Fi and CP. But Fi have already been dead for weeks lmao didn't you get the memo.
  5. If you are one of the Fi members in my sig (eg. birthday), pls stay in Fi. If that description does not depict you, take my hand and come aboard.
  6. I don't think either EoP or TLP are clearly above the other but are the two at the top. FOE should have the experience and the levels to compete with them, or at least they usually did when I played. Fi and CP always had the most defence but also had the most cauliflower ranks and members, so they will continue to be the two worst pure clans in existence, as they have been for many many years.
  7. as opposed to CP who slumps 12 months of the year every year lmao.
  8. If I were a CP rank and saw some lilguy baiting EoP, FOE and TLP on these forums when they've been kind enough to forget about you and let you rebuild, i'd be mad lmao. The second one of those 3 clans care about CP again they are dead.
  9. I see so they went to clan wars on a Saturday. Interesting.
  10. They went to clan wars? On a Saturday?
  11. Yeah they just cancelled their Saturday trip so i'd say they are well on their way to the top.
  12. The day after this is made, Fi cancels their Saturday trip. I guess the wildy really isn't that fun anymore? My next prediction? Birthday dies alone. Discuss.
  13. wow you guys made them cancel their trips? It's 2010/2011 all over again lmao.
  14. gratz on losing repeatedly to all the clans we beat this month and refusing to prep us lmao.
  15. Except it wasn't a flame, or a criticism of your clan?
  16. When you use "thats" as a contraction for "that is" you need an apostrophe, so your sentence should be: That's the typical 5 year old response i would expect from you. You're welcome!
  17. Clearly false, no-one would bother ddosing that deaf dog lmao.
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