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Everything posted by 0ldschooler

  1. Its a shame that youre setting up pkris with clans who are banned from the wilderness by daddy EOP. Better luck next time.
  2. Truth be told, mains or no mains, 25 def or not, no clan atm could compete with EOP in wilderness. MAYBE FO if they pulled their shit together, but i doubt it. u cant deny that
  3. you lost to apex LMFAO imagine that
  4. didnt these same kids just cry because they got bullied out of eop and join apex? LOL losers
  5. i didnt focus, but from what i undestand.. foc clan dared to enter the wilderness and these are the results?
  6. u registered a new forum account to post this shit, other than that, ye
  7. Ironic, coming from a sv rat who i literally bullied from 150 pull to closure in 2 weeks. Not even mains could save you LOL Btw idk who OP is, but his topics are dog shit
  8. The clans with "good and clean tactics" can fuck up too and lose to lower tier clans.. which would mean that the winning clan wouldnt prep the losing clan for another 9 months to claim that theyre better. PREPS are about the most irrelevant part of clanning in general, CLW didnt even exist when real clans were rolling in wildy.
  9. youre far from unbiased, ive literally seen you flame EOP since your dumb ass popped up on SB, gtfo rat.
  10. In the end of the day, A PREP doesnt prove shit. One little mistake/call can make you lose the prep, it hardly proves the overall quality of the clan.. Especially considering that most preps these days are like 30v30 & 40v40, meanwhile clans have 100 ML, how can it determine a clans strength when over half of the clan members arent even attending. Same can be said about a fullout, one little mistake and youre done. If clans prepped or fullout more often then it would be a different story, but this isnt the case atm. In wilderness those little mistakes dont mean that much because theres returning and other shit involved & in the end of the day, wilderness IS and always WILL BE where a clans true strength is determined.
  11. Down 70? I love how you retards always exaggerate things to feel better about yourselves lmfao This was only the first weekend, trust me when i say that FO wont fight EOP in wildy when its matched opts or EOP has a +5-10 advantage, same cant be said about EOP who would rush FO in a heartbeat. - The proof is in the pudding.
  12. FO has closed 3 times in OSRS (1 time less than EOP), but if you wanna exaggerate and say that EOP closed 8 times then ye, FO closed 14 times man. Fi hasnt been relevant for 4 years now.
  13. Meh, 1) awaar 2) jordai 3) moni 4) tederick 5) that kid who cried over runescape lmfao
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