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Status Replies posted by Victory

  1. @Zed_ i heard ur acting like a leader but ur too afraid to take it cuz u know when ur clan ends up like any other clans uve been in ur gonna be the one to blame (lol) and btw im comming to close ur brown sticky stuff clan

  2. @Pirate Quit trying to hide supp events after getting beat by Supp tomato

  3. @Pirate Quit trying to hide supp events after getting beat by Supp tomato

  4. LMFAO the lpc scene is so heated because most of the lpcs are led by rejects who couldnt get a rank in a normal clan.

  5. Which clan goes by the abbr "NP"?

  6. Supp Ended before the Trip even started? Zu/Cp Didn't go out. Thank you RD/TLP for the Pkri's.

  7. Heard a certain clan cancelled there trips today cause of mothers day

  8. Heard a certain clan cancelled there trips today cause of mothers day

  9. Shout out to my boy @Baby_pure for eatting his own words today. #BetThatTastesGood

  10. Lmfao dat world lag on CP vs. FI @Persian Tom

  11. Lmfao dat world lag on CP vs. FI @Persian Tom

  12. http://i.imgur.com/i8Rpd53.png - This made me laugh, really really hard. Thanks for the laugh of the night T1!
  13. Serverance = Trauma v3 L0L, bullied your name to serverance lmfao

    1. Victory


      Trauma carroted you in clanwars and wilderness and dropped you to 20 pulls. So basically your saying Sv will do the same? I don't really like any of the Sv kids but you kind of just ruined your own point

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  14. @xVideos it was fun coming to your prep, thanks for paying me the 500k to attend. Mercenaries for hire

  15. @xVideos it was fun coming to your prep, thanks for paying me the 500k to attend. Mercenaries for hire

  16. @xVideos it was fun coming to your prep, thanks for paying me the 500k to attend. Mercenaries for hire

  17. @Zed_ trauma closed kyp

  18. Shoutout to CP Victory for being 15 y/o

  19. Shoutout to CP Victory for being 15 y/o

  20. Not sure why guys bring up brown sticky stuff about clan's pre-eoc history etc. This is 07scape now. Eop had a rivalry w/ CP for a good 80% of 07scape; thus CP closed EOP, enough said.

  21. Not sure why guys bring up brown sticky stuff about clan's pre-eoc history etc. This is 07scape now. Eop had a rivalry w/ CP for a good 80% of 07scape; thus CP closed EOP, enough said.

  22. CP on a 6 Prep Streak with 3 of them being P2P/ What is this?

  23. pm [CP]Chain on irc 2 prep any1

  24. Redemption, no flame at all but don't you pull 80 to eop's 65 but i still never see you in clusters, how are you not 1v1ing them for #1 and brown sticky stuff or anything lol? sincere question

  25. @Victory how does it feel to lose to rd massers

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