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Everything posted by Tattooz

  1. be real men come to p2p fridays if u aint scared @@Tannie @ @@Leen get off battlescape
  2. Idk, but misfits is great. Fs.wouldnt know seeing as you p2p on battlescape
  3. Fs dead clan need tanks
  4. can confirm iv and misfits did not team.... can also confirm control was very triggered...you should of heard him raging on ts i felt bad for our sf leaks eardrums
  5. are you really this cauliflower tannie? fs is a 1 server clan with alot of 40 att 1 prayer.. t/iv does p2p so ofcourse they will be higher combat for having higher prayer and attack levels.. not every clan is scared to p2p on real rs and does f2p on rs and p2p on pservs... neck yourself pls
  6. battlescape..........L O L.. clans too scared to lose their banks on real rs?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rob-


      you know there are people that play both lol


      not every1 wants to play on lvl 70s

    3. Tattooz


      @robbyy make a different account, or train... why play a fake version of rs that will eventually close/reset and your time will be wasted

    4. rob-


      @Medicationz as if playing any video game isn't pretty much a "waste of time". If you're having fun who cares

  7. you clearly don't know what a contradiction is then.. but you play pservs your iq isnt that high anyway
  8. can confirm fs gets brown sticky stuff on on 07 and fs is ded.....stick to pservs
  9. nope i clanhopped cos f2p is fucking potato masher... fs still cant fight iv in p2p tho lmfaoooooo pserver prod join #misfits for p2p on real runescape.....
  10. loool you p2p on battlescape youre irrelevant atleast iv does p2p on real rs. btw im in #misfits l0l and fs still doesnt p2p. and still get dicked f2p... how are you a 1 server clan getting dicked on your own server
  11. lmfao i been clannin since 07 but ok. and its 2k17 and you play battlescape still.... neck urself
  12. Lolollol you do know that you, FS, & op are all dogbrown sticky stuff
  13. Lmfaooooo FS does p2p on pservs. justin beiber clan just close
  14. @@Tannie bring ur clan to p2p and get off private servers lmao
  15. Gonna miss dicking you with my niggas in Iv. Bring ur brown sticky stuffters to p2p so I can rip you a new one
  16. potato masher. Bring ur tanks to p2p we like mains. So glad don't have to deal with potato masher f2p brown sticky stuffters n e more
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