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Everything posted by Broxxx

  1. The fight for number 6 F2P, good job! Let me know when you want a shot at the belt, you’ll need to beat Terror/Fi first of course but I’d be more than willing to give you guys an exhibition match
  2. Agreed, respect to them for taking the fight. It’s the only way to improve.
  3. clan-rage.com | Discord: kKdeJhY | ts.clan-rage.com| ''Clan Rage'' cc Tonight Rage gathered 27 Bears for a big P2P Mini Versus BP. We were able to secure a clean sweep, going 3-0 in rounds, followed by a FT50 which we won with 50 kills to BP's 35. Thanks for the fights BP and thanks to the lads that showed up.
  4. damn right we did, what u gonna do about it l000000l
  5. clan-rage.com | Discord: kKdeJhY | Rage.ts3chat.com | ''Clan Rage'' cc The Rage lads were pking with around 20 men at lavas when we were quickly made aware that Apex were at 26 hill with similar opts, we immediately moved over to 26 hill and hit them on login - fully clearing them in under a minute. They sat at the bank for five minutes, got a world hop and teled back up - in this time we had gained to nearly 40 with one mass poke. We logged in on them as soon as they teled up once again clearing them in record time. They ended immediately after this, you boys should stick to pvming (see pic below) Thanks for the free smoke losers
  6. Doesn’t matter the rules, Rage will win
  7. Ah yes another reason why rot pulls 35, you have a very small brain don’t you lad So then this guy made his own clan and is now beating the fuck out of rot, you sure got him with this one....
  8. What is your clan's name?: Rage, I said Raaaage What is your clan rank, and provide proof of it: The name of the clan you are declaring against: Final Ownage Pigeons & Supremacy Fight type: Final Ownage Pigeons - F2P (double servers works) Supremacy P2P - (Double servers works) @slushpuppyif you must make me choose one, I'll choose fo in F2P...
  9. Is Fo trying to pretend that weren’t doing the same thing a few months ago with Rage members? Cry babies who can’t take what they dish out if you ask me
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