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Status Updates posted by F2p2007

  1. About to stir the pot. You talk brown sticky stuff, you get hit.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. F2p2007


      I'm not Mexican?? lmfao!!!! Don't even know anyone in my family who's even been to Mexico. You claim to know so much about me, but I've never heard about you. Enjoy my legacy on the pure scene though.

    3. gay homo fagget

      gay homo fagget

      @F2p2007 u slaved for doom and sv /neck

    4. F2p2007


      @ub secret service You're in ub rn /neck

  2. EoP scared to prep Imperial lol

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Koshar1


      ye bro!! lemme prep some brown sticky stuffty clan lmfao

    3. Imperial Spartan

      Imperial Spartan

      Lol they scared of another 3–0

    4. Law Abiding Citizen

      Law Abiding Citizen

      open as a team?? what happened l0l did u get closed by eop again or something...

  3. FS got the slap today lmfa0 puffpuff

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lankz


      dont worry about this brainwashed kid lol



      pipe down dog 7 clans in your cape and still losing fights lmfao

    4. Satans


      Bro Doom is ded, stop crying m8

  4. Imagine living in Foe's shadow in 2k17. Smh eop.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. narc


      2 hours ago, Holiday said:

      only reason EOP is relevant now is because those clans got bored of the game

      couldnt have said it better lmfao

    3. Entangle
    4. F2p2007



      Haven't you been in like 4 different clans this year lmfao




      fi beat them in 2012 so fi>eop as well

      Based on 2012 logic, but we are in 2017. Step it up FI, no more slumps!

  5. #VatosLocos

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Derek


      You're legit so ez

    3. F2p2007


      Have fun explaining to your girl what a phising link is and why she's receiving them in her text messages from ghost #'s. Also, should you explain everything to her when I tell her about who I am & how I got all your contacts through reverse phone look up or should I?

    4. Derek


      ahahahahahahahhahahaha more keep going please

  6. Vote YES to negative exp lamps btw

  7. EOP still scared to prep FOE :/ Imagine living in FOE's shadow still in 2k17.

    1. smiley


      very embarrassing kid

    2. F2p2007


      Hey! it's Leech! SV wants to know if you ever got those marker stains out of your shirt :b Lmk that & when you actually find my irls bro!

    3. Jordai


      lmfao so true though.

  8. 🙌 When a women has an amazing personality 😩😩😩👌 

    1. Kanicus


      You have a funny way of spelling Ass

    2. Crunk


      your fucking weird man

    3. F2p2007
  9. Any one interested in the rsn 88 cmb, hmu

    1. suck my ass

      suck my ass

      that name is fuckin brown sticky stuff lol

    2. gay homo fagget

      gay homo fagget

      you would have to pay to take it off u lmao

    3. F2p2007


      Debatable. Just looking for someone interested.

  10. EOP say their #1 but decline fullouts. 

    1. narc


      eop dead clan jojo still ugly in real l i f e

    2. Wee-Bey


      eop closed sv:/ rip

  11. No one is richer than F2p2007's bank.

    1. Kanicus


      Join Misfits and put them returns to good use (not the f2p ones lel)

    2. F2p2007
  12. What clans have closed recently after SV?

    1. Bizo


      join doom u nerd

  13. Sharkbrew now looks like Mayhem Maker's forums. Yee

  14. Icu @Kanicus 

    1. Kanicus


      I should be sleeping :( 


      but icu2 :$

  15. Just waving my huge nuts around, knowing EOP won't accept a full out vs FOE in clanwars. 

  16. Is EOP actually gonna flake on full out?!?!?!?! LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  17. Negative EXP lamp poll is out- go vote.

  18. Reminder: EOP scared of a full out on FOE.

  19. Anyone got a Trash or Punk playlist? Post here

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