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No Static

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Everything posted by No Static

  1. you should be a comedian, you really are funny m8.
  2. Damn Eop finally won a prep. Although its vs a lower tier hpc.
  3. www.clan-fi.org we already have a few ruins in there.
  4. I agree, eop is on a 0-13 prep record atm.
  5. Wait LOL. didn't Eop lose 13 preps in a row the last two months, including a 70v70 fullout with foe? Fi has been winning preps, they just don't post on this site you inbred. Also explain how a veteran is the reason Fi was in a bad position?
  6. who the fuck is ponytail? and my clan been pulling 45+ these past weekends. You better watch your damn mouth before I get one of my fi hitters to put you in a box. Put some damn respek on my name play boy.
  7. Eop will never win a potato award because they're the majority vote lol. This is basically eop's sub forums.
  8. Good idea Eop, don't prep any clan and watch ur rivals get preps back2back. Good move dull! uh huh yup yup!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DULL


      u lost both your preps u r butt cheek clan :P

    3. Goose


      u lost both your preps u r butt cheek clan :P

    4. Kenan N Kel

      Kenan N Kel

      i like turtles do you?

  9. Not bad CD, keep up the progress and one day you'll have holydreams sucking ur big cocks.
  10. remember that 70v70 fullout eop lost vs foe like a few months ago? yeah you can add that to eop's fullout losing streak.

    1. Kenan N Kel

      Kenan N Kel

      Mfw 70vs70 fullout

    2. Blue


      Mfw 2k16 fullout

    3. Pinhead


      l0l birthday ur on ur 5th sharkbrew account now, i killed fi l00000000000l go back to the barber lmfa0

  11. Holydreams tries to pipe up in any rivalry hes in and when he loses the rivalry, he starts sucking their dicks. Take Eop as an example. he gave dull good good head uh huh yup!
  12. I can't find eop's sunday topic, some1 fix the site...
  13. They gave you that iObsession special.
  14. MM was dog brown sticky stuff pre-eoc clan wars. Even Eop racked up wins from them l0l.
  15. CD because they're smashing eop every weekend.
  16. Foe is legit the fakest clan i have ever witness. Eop talks constant brown sticky stuff about Foe, yet in return he dick rides them. Lets not all forget what EoP has done, especially with ddosing and doxing innocent runescape players. Fi will not rest until Eop is closed.
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