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Everything posted by Smart

  1. Because every successful clan has had a memberlist consisting of only the best warrers. The greatest clans of all time relied heavily on +1's to allow for their core to carry them. Any dip in overall quality will be matched by increase in DPS. As I said in the OP don't misconstrue my message. This is simply a lack of knowledge and understanding of how pure clanning and this game work on your part.
  2. I remember when I thought 200 words was an essay
  3. The reality is that quantity has been far more important than quality for the last several years. Clans built entirely on mass recruiting have never been successful, but historically clans that used mass recruiting and had a sizable quality core have proven to be effective. Numbers are the greatest equalizer and every clan can benefit from the addition of a sizable edge recruit unit. A look into several clans that I believe exemplified this were CP during Chain69's era, Epidemic during their rise to contention, and numerous others that although may have no outright mass recruited relied heavily on numbers. A belief that has been echoed throughout the years which is "quality above all else" has proven to be ineffective. Clans that only had members of great quality coincidentally always lacked the numbers to be competitive with the upper echelons of the pure community. Before anyone misconstrues what I'm saying I'll reiterate that mass recruiting only works if you have the foundations of a great clan already laid out (solid rank structure, good member quality, decent pulls, etc). Mass recruiting shouldn't only be considered for it's obvious warring benefits, but to grow our scene. The stigma associated with mass recruiting is nonsensical and not based in reality, do yourself a favor and mass up as many members as you can. Flame away
  4. The overwhelming majority of the main scene (disregarding small teams/raggers) are in gear nowadays. The clans that quickly degear are starved of action. Here is a fight that took place this week where both clans stayed in gear for roughly 8 hours. http://forums.zybez.net/topic/1774026-sovereign-vs-cutthroat-8-hour-uncapped-pkri/ Please don't perpetuate half truths.
  5. Clan wars is irrelevant if the game itself is fundamentally broken.
  6. How exactly would you remove them from the community besides banning them from community board such as Sharkbrew which has proven to be unsuccessful in the past (MM/SV). There is literally nothing you can do besides adapt.
  7. Good on them. Every clan should have an arsenal of massers/recruiters to try and breathe some fresh air into the community. Stagnation is death.
  8. The amount of addy is quite impressive for a brand new HPC. You obviously have a dedicated member base.
  9. Good job uB. Didn't expect much less from you guys when you opened. Solid core that has proven itself over the last year.
  10. I have been apart of some of the most dominant Clanwars focused clans of all time. The equalized skill amongst clans due to the relative difficulty of the game has removed what once separated the great P2P clans such as Havoc from your average clan. When every clan has the same exact gear, same account build, and Jagex isn't constantly updating the game fights become increasingly dependent on RNG. I'm not saying it removes skill entirely, but that it is noticeably reduced. There is a reason clans today are trading wins back and forth like never before. It's problematic when clans that are heavily P2P based (FOE/Apex) aren't head and shoulders above their competition. This isn't a fault of their own, but the game itself. Needless to say I appreciate the comment and it definitely holds some merit.
  11. The presence of higher defense levels promotes organization and piling which is far more impressive than being able to spam click your sharks.
  12. Pure clanning is no longer about skill. I believe you have clanned for quite some time and can agree the pure world is a shell of its former self.
  13. Good job Panda. What's your overall record now? Very reminiscent of the 2012 Team Viet.
  14. *This is a serious thread, if you have a sub room temperature IQ please refrain from posting. I'm not suggesting anyone give up pure clanning, but acknowledge the environment in which they're in." As a veteran who has been clanning since 2004 it has become blatantly obvious that the game is no longer conducive to pure clanning. In years past the pure community was constantly advancing whether it was through innovations in tactics, organization, account builds, or adapting to game updates. This, however is no longer the case as the game has stagnated while the player base has continuously progressed. The linear nature of the 2007 servers has equalized the entire clan world which only perpetuates the RNG aspect of Runescape which in the past played only a minor role. Whether it be in clan wars where fights are now determined by the roll of a dice rather than the pedigree of a clan, or the wilderness where the ease of returning, world trackers, and interference of mains has degraded any such sense of objectivity. There is simply no longer an argument for clanning outside an emotional platitude. This is why I propose the clan world slowly increase it's hilariously arbitrary defense cap. We will see the competitive nature of community rise once again as clans will be forced to adapt to an volatile ecosystem or be left behind as it was in the glory days you hear so much about. Quality will begin to take precedence as organizations, ingame skill, and determination will quickly separate the wheat from the chaff. I'll leave you with a simple comparison. Main community. Daily fights, consistent innovation, etc. Versus the two weekend trips that result in less than ten minutes of clean fights. I'm not saying the entire pure community outright train their defense, but at the very least take an objective look at the benefits of entering the main world, or change the monolithic approach to pure clanning.
  15. LPC banter/beef is a waste of bandwidth.
  16. I bet Chris is rolling in his grave looking at the state of Fatality over the last several years.
  17. Looks ridiculous. The graphics that Pat | TxC and I believe Blitz U (Correct me if I'm wrong @Moni) made were masterful. Whoever did Rage's graphics is quite talented as well.
  18. I think 2010-2011 were the golden years of pure clanning. The level of competition, the differing tactics, high pulls, apparent discrepancy in quality among clans, and an overall better game made for a memorable experience.
  19. Agreed, LPC banter is a waste of bandwidth.
  20. Honestly never heard of any of these clans with the exception of Imperial, Control, and Chaotic
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