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Everything posted by Quode

  1. Would be good only because it would emove A) multiclanners and force lpc's to respect combat caps. Yall be callin yourselves lpc and have level 90s 80s and 100s on the regular.
  2. These topics are the reason I browse the boards LOL.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9NMDlCXY2s Fi were enjoying their 2 year slump at the time that this video took place. SV were the main clan in the OSRS community, and Fi even teamed up with EoP in 2014 against SV to combat THEIR DDoS/RAT tactics. Fi went hard on OSRS because their members were all still actively playing RSPS's and just waiting for a pre-EOC event to take place so they could redeem themselves from the slamming they received from 2009-2011. Comparing EoP to Fi in the way you describe is like Vendetta to Remedy. The only difference is, Fi never had to deal with MM and FOE's best rank teams at the same time, where as EoP came up from a slump and managed to not only battle both, but actively damage/win against both. You revisionists are so out of line it's sickening.
  4. Mmmmmhmmmmm..... Nice client Fi.
  5. Gratz lads to those who received
  6. Neither tbh. Would never participate in a LPC event where 90cb is the "cap". But if the fight were to take place, the clan with more def would win.
  7. Was really fun warring with actual LPCs that weren't wearing mithril/adamant . Gj on your trip T1. Fun fighting @ gdz at the end
  8. I will say it was quite enjoyable . It's humorous when the clans that pulled 40+ and had mithril/adamant armour on complain because the true LPCs teamed on them. The 3 way cluster was very fun as well, looking forward to see what other sorts of action the LPC scene can produce.
  9. My issue is that mentality. Clans only fight in return locations in the Wilderness because clans have allowed their combat averages to go out of control, and have also reinforced the mass-snipe calling that is useable only because not everybody can pile everybody. In clan wars, there is no such thing as Combat difference unless it's in the sense of offensive prowess, because of the fact that there is no restriction as to what combats can attack which combats, obviously getting higher Combat is the only logical answer for gaining an easier victory. I guarantee that if all pure clans were rightly categorized based off cb range instead of pull range, you would see MUCH more interesting PK trips and CLW events, because the lower levelled clans would have a much more difficult time (but also better practice) when fighting clans that are higher levelled. The same is also reversed for the higher levelled clans. Clans with high combat averages dominate CLW more often than not, but don't always perform well in the Wilderness unless they are deeper and fighting another clan with similar cb levels. Fights would not last for even 1 minute in the same location if everybody was able to attack everybody like they are in clan wars. Clan Wars is merely practice for the higher levels, because in lower level wilderness all that can hit them are mains or other like-levelled combat oriented pures. I despise Clan Wars for the way that it has ruined the true Pure ideology, and although I respect the ease of access it offers (for miniwars and such), I will never be able to use it as a measuring stick, because that would require using it as a grading scale when in reality it is a training tool for newer players and a practice tool for older ones.
  10. All a matter of perspective. I've had more fun pking with AAO in f2p wilderness as of late than any training/clw event can possibly provide. Wilderness has always been the original form of PvP in RS, and people who simulate it for maxed gear maxed stats but without risk are merely memorizing clicks and DD locations, not actually rolling out together with similar combats and having a blast battling. Clan Wars is for practice, although clans should be getting better @ it so that their warrers have better fundamentals, it honestly means nothing because it is such a monotonous repeat of the same (tactics, movements, clicks, etc).
  11. Wow this would happen while I'm at work... gg
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QNEX-KTwMo 2009 Era. Active Wilderness. Average HPC pull was 70+. Intense clusters.
  13. Deliverance can only come to those who appeal their truest selves.
  14. Not sure, didn't realize that any of the HPCs cancelled their Saturday trips til post-haste. I personally had an enjoyable time in the Wilderness with the LPC group, they seem to know what action is about (for the most part). Personally feels like the majority of HPCs are turning into Clan War/PCL sort of builds, not really something that should be encourage but if people enjoy Clan Wars more than the Wild then I guess they should stay there. Each to their own, let clans enjoy the game they way they wanna enjoy it. Some clans just like sitting people and matching opts so that they can have fights from the same DDs, same pushes, same pulls, and essentially same camera rotation/pile clicking. PKRI's in the Wild take alot more effort and energy to handle, CLW is much easier to manage IMO. Let bygones be bygones, eventually new Wilderness clans will begin to filter into the Pure World and things will spicen up again.
  15. Aao's cb avg is 65-67 Remedy's is 71-74 Olympus is 74-77 T1 is 69-72
  16. Nah @@Wardy @@slushpuppy, nobody that's involved with this rivalry is capable of anything like that. Mentally or physically.
  17. The reaction of 65-75% of the clanning population whenever a topic like this emerges: The reactions of the people who support the topic then realize nobody actually cares:
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