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Koed Beastly

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Everything posted by Koed Beastly

  1. As ex-EOP member 'm disturbed by the current state of the clan. Don't you even dare to criticise us.
  2. All them streamers? We have 2. Why the hate? Yes we didnt have alot of action on our OFFICIAL event but that's because of the simple fact that clans dont want to fight us because we are a single server based clan. We also had a few preps which we had to cancel because of the quality servers. As u can clearly tell in our midweek aftermath topics we have events going on EVERY day from inner / midweek pk trips. Our average pull on these events is the average pull of other LPC clans during their official trips. We don't think that neither do we claim that. Nice dogbrown sticky stuff attitude towards us tho. Correct me if i'm wrong but didnt I see over 15 1 iteming raggers from OP/ FS yesterday? Please use some arguments next time and only start talking when you are relevant in the LPC scene . This isnt the quality from Olympus I used to know. Thanks for the compliment Ace! We don't claim that but we'll let the (sometimes toxic) pure community decide over that. We still have room for improvement and growth tho. We'll take it into consideration.
  3. Misfits massed up 70 killer bees on this glorious laggy Friday, almost doubling the next highest pulling clan... needless to say, people constantly ran from us all trip. Being the dominant pure clan is rough but we managed to hit a bunch of fights and get some loot regardless. It seems next trip we're just going to have to start with 20-30 TBers just to ensure we get a bit more action. Thanks for the loot anyways, such is the life of the #1 p2p pure clan. It seems clans couldn't pull much today, so while you're querying Zee on IRC to leak ask for a few tips on recruiting high quality pures. Misfits vs RD / UB We started off by rushing UB fighting RD at dwarves. This was a favour from these clans as they couldn't escape north of 30 wilderness short of putting on the nikes or logging the fuck out. We ended up chasing them minimaps away just to snag what loot we could from our fleeing foes. Misfits vs RD / SF This time they smartened up a bit and took the fight south to CA. This time we waited until SF were getting a spread to log in and pounce, bagging a few kills before they could get to their inventory screens. With SF out of the way we rushed RD in their place, clearing them in literally 4 seconds before burying their bones for some sick prayer xp. Misfits vs Doom / UB After taking some time to regroup and banter we found Doom and UB trying to have the clumpiest fight of their life in a remote corner of the wilderness in an attempt to avoid us. In the end it was trivial as we turned up and cleared them both in .5, easily stomping many of them even in single as they were attempting to smash the logout button and escape the TBs. Misfits vs RD / SF Again clans try to dodge us, this time taking fights to PVP worlds. Nowhere is safe, as Misfits turned up to promptly massacre all who weren't fast enough on their glories when the white dots appeared. Throwing TBs left and right, we once again lackadaisically jaunted from the wilderness with inventories full of other people's brown sticky stuff. Misfits vs Doom / SF With Hormone desperately trying to fake us out of hitting their fight, we walked up and down a bit with his scout on us until they got more comfortable with their position. We then flew in, pouncing on their unwary asses and collecting even more easy loot. We laughed as they donned our cape and hat in a desperate attempt to escape. Ultimately it didn't work, as we cleared all clans with ease and walked away with profit. MEDIA Asap's POV Brian's POV SL4's POV Few Pics All these hats and capes, none of them black or yellow... more 2 come
  4. Blame him? 90% of our members don't want it. I can organise an internal poll on it but I already predict the outcome and it won't be like the D. Trump vs H. Clinton election. You can say it's because we 'lack' f2p skills but i'm the ex pk leader and former co-leader of one of the biggest f2p clans in the 2009-2012 scene. If you wonder, the only pure / zerk f2p based clan which had a 400+ members on the clanlist and 250+ on forums. I know how to f2p pk but currently we have no support for that server by our members. After all; We can only exist because of our members. Leaders don't make clans, (qualitative) members do. Get some more arguments then a simple statement next time man. Much XxX Love Former member of Redemption. OT: Good job on your trip Salso and Treehugger!
  5. Hands off from my members, get lost.
  6. My condolances Also Minimum time - in terms of polyphasic sleep - 20 minutes for every 4 hours makes it 2 hours. Biphasic - 6 hours. Monophasic - 6 to 7.5 hours. If you sleep more you're doing it wrong.
  7. 0 Ask Now get lost and reply on your own clan's topics
  8. Join the Hive today! Hated by all Defeated by none Check our our community and decide for yourself!
  9. 1. MM (pre closure LOL) 2. FOE (pre eoc, rip Wallie / bonesaw ) 3. Fatality (pre eoc) 4. NPO 5. EoP (pre fucking eoc when they still were a pure clan)
  10. I don't have a PhD in pure clanning but definitely the experience to come up with Does a PhD as Bio-engineer in Aquatic production systems also work? @debb
  11. Your only vid shows the POV of a guy with 1 pray and monks? What? Besides that thanks for the fights (rushes) UB! Shame u edit videos so hard I laughed so hard at your video of Control Pker! Thanks for that!
  12. At least we dont spam w18 all friday to join our cc to pk with us... I can clearly state that of the 69 pul we had 48 members or higher and 14 applicants (= total of 62). We don't take invites hence we can pull this big ourself + dont like to take random people cuz of leaks.
  13. hence why most clans decline even ops PKRI's on friday? Pretty sure defense has a influence on the pking side. Bring 30 maxed 1 defense accounts vs 30 maxed 25+ defense accounts and i'm pretty sure what the outcome is (if we would say other parameters such as quality as leadership and callers is equal). Inb4 you also suggest maxed mains have no advantage over maxed pures I am Belgian. Pretty close Explains the foreign tongue.
  14. Nice TLDR! Good job us! Also didnt know FOE was becoming the HPC equivalent of SF? Jeez take it easy man! Why do u need to flame so hard towards a new LPC clan with almost 0 history (justin beiber) when you are FOE? Makes me soo sad IRL. Dont ruin Wallies legacy pleae
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