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Everything posted by Floor

  1. Looks like you need a wet tissue to rid yourself of all the salt from your tears.
  2. It certainly was. But then again.. the only server I enjoy on rs is f2p.. that will never change.
  3. The second brother Dull lost internet connection .. I knew it was over @@Joe Ftw Gj foe!
  4. gz on 74-0 Inbefore: gz on 84-0... ye irrelevant since you are not in Foe.
  5. Although we were not planning on having a trip after our fullout vs. FOE, we last minute decided to go anyway. Set sail with 50 , ended with over 40. Setup a matched fight vs RD west of bandits and had a fair 1v1. Killed Fi + Sup by corp Lmao Thanks for the fights. ~ Vid(s) ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ME4yxZdcw_A&feature=youtu.be Pixels POV Setup a quick 40v40 west of bandits vs RD , Uninterrupted we cleared them until it was 35 < 10. RD eventually rerushed. Either way it was a good fight for both rd and eop! Thx for that We got word that Fi and RD were fighting by sperm pond so we rushed from the west and killed Fi + RD until it was crashed. Literally lost ~3 people there. We set up a quick 40v40 with Supremacy by corp for our final fight of the day. We were <30 seconds into the fight when then RD rushed from east graves. TLP came and everything ended. Pictures:
  6. Its just the amount of fi getting slapped in That gif and the way these names were added hahaha Nothing personal!!
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