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Everything posted by Destin

  1. On 30.01.2021 Swarm we've asked Ly for a pkri on a short notice, and massed up 15 and peaked at 18 jackals. Destin's Pov Haro's Pov UPLOADING...
  2. didnt you get kicked from 2-3 clans in 1 month?
  3. On 22.01.21 Swarm had a scheduled pkri with og and massed up 15 jackals. Thanks for the clean fight og. Destin pov:
  4. Zenith Approached us for a pkri on short notice and we gladly accepted it. Thanks for the clean fight fellas.
  5. On 13.12.2020 Swarm massed up 36 Jackals later peaking at 43. We heard SF were paying JS for help with Controls TikTok money as we've demoralized them for the past 4 weeks and needed a pick-me-up. We tried setting up fights at the beginning of the trip with SF/JS but Control decided to block all Swarm ranks then lie to his members in voice we were avoiding. Good job SF on paying for opts L000000000000000000000000000L We started off vs Terror Bone Yard but were crashed by SF we made quick work of our "rivals" who decided to rush us down opts and get smited for multiple +1s. - We scouted a cluster with LY and Apex at East Graves and decided to hit it, FI came so we got a regroup at Edge. For our 3rd fight we setup at Bandits against Terror, SF/JS thought it was a good idea to hit from South but the Wolves and Jackals weren't going to let some puppy dogs ruin our fight so we proceeded to farm them for more +1s forcing them to tele edge, re-group, tele up and cause some juicy 8+ man clumps. What the fuck were you thinking? We then continued our trip following the SF/JS members who left their private chats on (this isn't revs boys) and got multiple clears forcing SF/JS to sit at Edge after donating multiple +1s and eventually end their trip. Kami POV: Haro POV: UPLOADING
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