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Posts posted by Brap

  1. 12 minutes ago, UNST0PPABLE said:

    still trash

    hey not sure who you are, sorry if i've personally upset or caused you any grief. Pm me on discord if you need any financial aid I can probably break you off $10 or so.

    5 minutes ago, Fat Scott said:

    i killed cd lmfao

    from an alternate account or from ur real alias?

  2. Hi friends,


    I would like to tell everyone I have reformed, I took a good look in the mirror today and realized that I often take trolling too far. With my old clan back on the scene I would like a clean slate to ensure I'm able to show the community I'm ready to be a steward of the community once again. I feel very bad for the multiple people I have flamed and caused harm to throughout my years. As well as my good friend slush  , who'm I owe a personal apology for a troll gone too far, hope you can accept my apology. 


    ~ brap

  3. 23 hours ago, wolffff said:

    Who the fuck are you l0l

    Someone many tiers above some no name mini-main retard lmfao dont ever @ me again

    STRONG 15 MAN PULL god bless buddy
    Decided to sound the horns and start our second trip of the day with a solid 15 man pull. 

  4. 14 hours ago, OG Fishsticks said:

    Cd are the awkward kids in school that get picked on for being weird so they come online pretending to be ethugs.  Once something doesn't go their way, they resort to bringing mains, ddosing, doxing, etc.  Honestly I'm disappointed that someone as old as TBR still plays the game like a 13 yr old kid.  Imagine being a full grown adult arguing with little kids over a pixelated game, saying stuff like "no fair your clan beat me! im gonna camp you with mains!!"  These rejects need to grow up, they blame others for the pure scene dieing when in actuality they're the first clan to use mains/return in one-item/rag other clans when things dont go their way.  No wonder they've closed 10 times already.



    wow thanks for typing this out but ur gonna have to talk to the pl8 m8 cause i aint listenin!

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