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Everything posted by Timer

  1. Refer to below. We warned you before this trip thath anyone caught bringing Mith/Addy+ will be camped by mains. Also most of those mains that were attacking u were FS. Feel cauliflower?
  2. Doom was getting fucked so hard they decided to bring their HPC+Main accounts, even with SF mass closing into them they still couldn't compete Hey @@Moni, whose burrowing your account this time? That family friend thats supposed to come be coming over isnt doing a good job :/ @@Control Pker Stay tuned for more pics of Doom mains
  3. lmfao lets see doom explain this
  4. DOOM ENDED after finding out how useless their SF members are


  6. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lvl 3 doom accoutns tryna increase cape counter on corphill im fucking dying https://gyazo.com/20a86c9f5b49a41811607a52079b5270

  7. Got 20 screenshots of Doom mains/ moni on his hpc account / accs with 20+def will release soon

    1. Timer


      lets see doom talk brown sticky stuff

    2. Kenan


      @Moni was Robby on ur acc for a prep this time kappa

    3. موني
  8. HOLY brown sticky stuff DOOM IS GETTING FUCKED SO HARD L00000000000000000L

    1. Timer


      110 vs 30

      up- fucking 80 lmfao

  9. 100 VS 30 INGAME LMFAO

  10. l00000000000000000000000000000l DOOM IS GETTING carroted SO FUCKING HARD RN

  11. lmfao 2 clans and they barely hit 80. this will be easy

  12. even with special forces mass joining them and Doom still bringing mains+hpc accounts, looks like they still can't compete. Gz misfits
  13. heres some help for you bro https://tacklechildabuse.campaign.gov.uk/ http://www.kidsmatterinc.org/for-families/abuse-and-neglect-resources/?gclid=CjwKEAjwkq7GBRDun9iu2JjyhmsSJADHCD_HF4rKPFSjwLm9xesbnDqxv5Swh10KaYXkxqkFvoWuNRoCqxTw_wcB https://www.nspcc.org.uk/what-you-can-do/report-abuse/
  14. lmao @@ultama , he called you an autistic homosexual, you gonna take that?
  15. HAHAHAHA the same top tier clan that only killed 2 ppl in an entire 40vs40, you also got 3-0d by the clan(olympiss) that lost to the baltic clan lmfao
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