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Everything posted by Godfather

  1. shoutout to zenith for proclaiming onslaught to be 'massing at the ge for an hour' and 'teal is angry' meanwhile i'm up at gdz where they do not dare show their faces
  2. Set out with 40 hombre's to kill clans, today's trip consisted primarily of fighting multiple clans without end as well as a 40v70 against Fi at GDZ. pixel chode fat flower mattie etc Started off the trip with a fight against Ly, put them in a bunch of boxes and smoked until Fi crashed. Next up, we decided to hit up Hydra for a fight, owned until some mains logged in and we smoked them. BP would join the fight and we would roll the blunt, followed by Ly who would attempt to join in and we owned them too. With almost everything cleared from GDZ, Fatality would join in with their 70-odd pull. Given we are the protectors of the holy land, deus vult was shouted and we went to work fighting them down 30 until eventually they ran from the sacred grounds, leaving Onslaught victorious. Rolled on a fight between JS, Hydra & LY and owned everyone. BP would try to come from behind and we repositioned to fight them uninturrupted. For the course of the next 20 minutes we fought them and later LY.
  3. zenith is the literal definition of c-tier clan, never once did you break the top 5 in 10 years and you've closed more times than you've had anniversaries - but on the subject of hydra i'm willing to bet all of your fresh recruits from the past 2 weeks end up in hydra after this weekend
  4. also good topic etc, dont fucking warn me victoria
  5. this only happened because clans got sick of being teamed on by pure clans with main clan allies, the easy solution was to adapt and become a quasi main clan yourself. it also has a lot to do with the kids leading clans now days, we were able to somehow make prepping in fight pits work and laid the ground work for a lot of things to keep the scene alive without any troubles at all back then. good luck doing that now days.
  6. Co-Leader of Zenith [2020-CURRENT] Ex High Council of Sovereign [2011-2017] | Ex Council of Fatality [2017-2019] | Ex Council of Resistance [2019-2020]
  7. if nothing else, 'shut the fuck up and return' earned my respect
  8. chode you fucking animal you ever put the videos at the bottom like its a fatality topic im throwing you off a building
  9. all these clans falsifying their numbers but you all got smacked by my clan of retards

  10. if nothing else props to apeg for having 6 hours of stamina, unlike zenith who showed up for all of like five minutes LMFAO
  11. this moleman guy dipped on his clan 2 weeks into scims wanting a rivalry with us

  12. vids of own are uploading, very long process but you can have some screenshots and all the +1's we yoinked today
  13. Set off to smoke slaves with 30, beat the shit out of Zenith in something like 4 minutes, Fo broke after 10 mins, all the rod kids broke after 30 mins, 6 hours later after with rod, apeg, zenith, fo, sicario's, sparc mac and everyone else broken, apeg took a fake ending and logged out. Chode (freaks uploading all 6 hours or some shit) Flower
  14. 6 clans(40 pull) in open clan chat '105' sold out:



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