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Everything posted by Warbow

  1. 40 attack 99 str 96 range 96 mage 44 prayer 75 combat? I think any lpc would accept that account in a prep lol.
  2. If there is such thing as D1 teleing, FH wins the championship every year
  3. #1 matched but I ask you for a prep everyday and you decline? I ask Ryan for a prep everyday. I get rejected everyday. Don't ever say prep us every again. Your dumbass elite status has no say whether you prep us or not.
  4. Just to be honest, litmob and poison both agree that fh was #3 when all 3 of us were in the scene. We also agreed that fh was #2 when poison left the scene (obviously litmob was #1). Let's be real. FH Is the only active snipe team, and they are still #2 looool.
  5. Lmfaooaoaiaia! The good ole blue waffles. Quality banter slush
  6. Gz outburst Gz xlpc scene! Awesome full out
  7. So crazy that a pure won the 1v1 champs! Just awesome. Congrats again @@Moni ! Hope you enjoy the 10k!!
  8. Best caller I have ever heard. Ryan you are a champ my dude. Gz rampiss
  9. Welcome. Your hobbies intrege me. Being in cp and xl, I am interested in the clans you have closed?
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