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Everything posted by Koldkilla97

  1. Why u trying so hard @RyanTheG making a whole 40 seconds vid!!
  2. Can't wait for that ascent vid after all that talk!!

  3. Gj ascent yall got us today but hopefully we can decide a combat cap and stick to it in the future 

    1. `Prod


      honestly bro well be more strict to the cap but some of the retired boys came out to play ; im not kicking them from the trip cause they have over heads . Gf today tho 

  4. If you trying to join a clan to just show up to pk events and then log off until the next pk event instead of chilling wit dudes on ts all day rampage is the clan for u!

  5. Join Rampage if u just trying to pk and have fun doing it

  6. Ty 4 fights!! Sorry we cudnt do a full r3 a lot of people ha to get off
  7. Thanks for fights Ascent!

    1. `Prod


      GF FELLAS ! ty for clean action as always 

  8. Xlpc midweeks r pretty dead unless u set up a fight. Sundays are actually really fun hopefully clans start goin out on Saturday also, but I feel like xlpc is better like this don't need much commitment just gotta attend the 2-3 fights u set up per week
  9. Thought xlpc pulls wud stay in he 30s but best believe 50 pandas next sunday!
  10. Gratz on pull and trip ascent always fun fighting you guys!
  11. Lmfaooo lebron got swept dis your goat?! @N uts ack

  12. Ty 4 fights ascent always a pleasure!

  13. Why Lebron scared to guard KD tho

    1. N uts ack

      N uts ack

      KD solid #2 but he isn’t proving anything by winning on that team 

  14. If any xlpc wants to set up a prep or pkri in wildy just pm koldkillaz#9376 on discord anything from 15-35 opps

  15. I'd have to go wit @RyanTheG and @XLPC Warlord
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