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Sharkbrew Legend

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Everything posted by Sharkbrew Legend

  1. was a very fun productive day, wbu? lol
  2. except they also say they're using mains so at that point its mains vs mains, no longer pure being ragged by main going by that logic u should be removing this topic or reinstating my topic or is our after math not good enough?
  3. except it wasnt encouraging or promoting anything it was an aftermath of us pushin foe's shit in just cos they're 1 defence they're off limits and protected by sharkbrew? yikes
  4. My forum thread got deleted but this one is still up? What gives? Sharkbrew turned bias cos we smoked your doggie clan? LOL!! this really aint it chief
  5. sounds like someone has been reading too much reddit
  6. Nurse is calling other people fat! Sad! Clan reject! Don't pm me asking to join rot again :rofl:
  7. Day 1 50 Spies How many gonna leave before you realize this killed your clan?
  8. feels like you got declined by a clan that refused to help their baby clan! Rev abandoned Foe! Sad!
  9. only gonna get worse from here until you remove austin and danny as leaders, until then enjoy 100 rot accs at your trips gratz apex on #1 i guess Listen to him shaking lmfao
  10. coma boys spazzy x tristin one is typical vr degenerate and one is typical cp degenerate together they form MEGA DEGENERATe
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