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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Respected Rank We have taken multiple measures at decreasing the number of troll accounts and toxicity on Sharkbrew. We have increased our moderation and taken zero tolerance of trolls that exhibit troll-like behavior. However, we realized that there is no incentive for those who actually put time behind their thoughts and we wish to reward posters who are mature, active, and generally contribute to healthy discussions. We as a rank team has decided to bring back the Respected rank into our structure. This rank will be awarded to those who are posting threads and posts with maturity and encouraging others to do so as well. With this we hope we can bring back a lot more serious discussions on Sharkbrew. For now, Respected ranks will be listed on the top right hand side of the site and they will be given the following access/privileges for now: Separate group on Sharkbrew discord Being listed on MOTM at the top right hand corner Ability to cast votes for other Respecteds Access to discord rank forums We plan to promote one or two members a month to Respected and they all will be evaluated throughout the month on the type of topics they create and the types of replies towards other threads. You can lose the rank at the end of the month depending on your attitude while you held the rank. For the First Respected promotion I would like to congratulate @Ir0ny
  2. This is getting boring ngl more audio coming soon
  3. Was a fun trip.. where is the 50 envy kids
  4. Just saying if you actually got 300m you would have provided proof ! Until proof is shown no need to act like you got anything.
  5. Pretty sure ur warlord has yet to win a p2p prep
  6. That’s a public cc ? That’s some bad banter
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