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  1. I don't care about rs or clanning but I'm glad to find out that your still salty about taking Ls on the daily
  2. And just like that Envy back to 50-65 cb
  3. Heard from the grapevine that envy was planning on closing soon
  4. Looks like even when you try to quit the game, BT still keeps you enslaved
  5. I agree you have bigger things IRL to worry about such as your weight
  6. Cringe post but expected from an obese walmart employee
  7. Nice mains envy too bad they can't save youjfrom closure
  8. BT is now 2-0 in preps vs envy thanks for the W
  9. high pull shitty quality- envy 1 week ago low pull shitty quality- envy now worst wilderness clan- envy worst clan wars clan- envy stupidest leadership- elmir On the verge of closing-envy lowest quality core- envy shittiest p2p- probably envy but I've never seen them do p2p shittiest f2p-envy
  10. If you're really that mad about losing a prep just go lie down or something
  11. Given the history if we decline will you close again? Just wondering hypothetically
  12. Let me refresh everyone's mind what happened last time a hassan clan tried to declare on us (hint it rhymes with belevation mosing)
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