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Everything posted by Clem

  1. Rampage wins again

  2. Nightmare nice propaganda l000l - dirty dirty clan... 

    1. IamjohnC


      it's actually funny that we're not using any propaganda so for the members of nm, this looks pretty silly..

  3. Has Nightmare actually opened yet? How many opening trips have they had so far? Let me guess, 'next weekend' again?
  4. We pulled 60 without envy, you pulled 28-30
  5. what does winning a 19v19 mean though?
  6. salty boi so salty 13+13 = 40 though
  7. Where do all these numbers come from?? Truth is:

    Rampage pulled 12

    Nightmare pulled 3

    1. Pauna


      Heard rp pulled 5 with 7 invites

    2. Clem


      RP pulled 0 - we invited 75 Envy

  8. Join Rampage btw

  9. You guys actually open this time? Or you waiting for the tanks to leave your clan first?

  10. Remember to cut out the parts where you ran to singles before posting the vid btw

    1. King Kinse

      King Kinse

      remember to thank envy for bringing 20 in ur cape

  11. RP Gang btw

    1. Lankz


      rppppppppppppppppppp cuh

  12. imagine bragging about winning a fight in xlpc last week with 70+ accounts

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Singles Trip

      Singles Trip

      You can’t really say much about 70’s when you have tanks running to graves and spamming what you’re saying on ts. Cries about 2 accounts with overheads so brings def into the picture nice logic.

    3. `Prod


      there hypocritical its fine l0l 

    4. Singles Trip

      Singles Trip

      I actually like Ryan and kold they were cool when I was in rp but don’t talk about breaking combat cap when your bring def into the scene.

  13. Ascent sm0ked - Ryan still fat tho

  14. Against a clan already down numbers - AND brings 7+ 70s to XLPC trip? GJ Ascent

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Neil


      Loooooool Im sure you didn’t graduate high school, but we had 2. a 71 and 75. But whatever you have to tell your clan to not feel bad about getting perfected in 2 rounds😂😂

    3. Clem


      Come even numbers - with 65 cb cap - prep us. please

    4. Brad


      @Clem was ez perfecting you twice.

  15. Didn't realise xlpc was 65-90 cb cap
  16. Who recorded this? must have real talent
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