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Everything posted by Steeze

  1. Welcome my spy friend! Hope you're enjoying the money Res is feeding you. <3<3<3<3
  2. Less talking more scheduled fights. No one cares about Ls, WE ABOUT THAT ACTION
  3. You retards can’t even keep up with main clans except for no namers! Get on our level and then talk shit, you have nothing to back it up on son. Whoever was leading your trip didn’t wanna fuck with us obviously, THATS WHY YOU ENDED.
  4. you guys kill two members and call it clear then END right after? How do you take pride in that kiddo? Next time stay and fight! SHOW US YOU CAN ACTUALLY FIGHT AND NOT JUST KILL PEOPLE AND TELE OUT
  5. Veng runs into our small man, then ends after we mass up troops. Go figure.
  6. I hope to see even more pure clanners trying out the med scene. They're having so much fun doing daily pk trips and shitting on Veng. Oh and being in a clan who actually tries editing their videos!


    1. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      shame i heard resurg are rot puppies now

  7. The awkward moment where you dumb fucks didn’t realize this was our 2nd topic of the day. You two are definitely Veng quality, you never fail to prove that with your moronic comments.
  8. This is going to get juicy!

  9. i can upload Vid u want, its basically us fighting CT, Jaja, & PD while Veng fights unknowns in deep wild... Want me to throw it together?
  11. Looks like a clear to me, just as much of a clear pic after us dipping from 2v1 vs pussies & lapdogs
  12. Bullied out of clanning, Heath you break so easily.
  13. The reason why is because you're controlled by a person who comes on strictly to post SB and never show his face otherwise, yet is whispering in your ear not to fight. You can't even make a decision bc you have to run in by your inactive founder first who is never around. Unless that's your call and you've realized you can only compete with us when certain people are on, which would explain the hiding in singles. I've been in Veng 3x, shit aint changed. I know more about your clan than you do Thomas.
  14. Huge 800m, AGS are getting expensive these days
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