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Everything posted by ELEKTHEGREAT

  1. Lmfao final ownage mains looked for any excuse to use mains in their history cause they fucking suck without them
  2. Lol? U got doggiestyled with ur own meds u needed rot in ur cape and still only had 20 pures in game Propaganda cant save u when every clan saw what happen And quit trying to justify using mains it's nothing new for u like i said u done it in every single rivalry
  3. U cant have 40 mains 1 week then drop them the next because u start pulling relatively good and expect the other clan to drop them Stop playing victim there isn't 1 rivalry where ur clan didn't use mains
  4. let's not forget that your whole rank team got exposed for ddosing and doxing let's not forget that your clan got exposed trying to bring mains clans drama to the pure scene (refer to danny's pms about ub lmfao) let's not forget that you started using mains against us let's not forget that you sat on us with mains with kg in our anny before any beef let's not forget that you got destroyed for 3 months lmfao and most impostant thing let's not forget that you're a drug addict with no hairline
  5. Meanwhile you tried to sell out ur clan and gave out your leaks 3x like the retard you are then tried to leave ur clan 2x for leader rank I think u forgot that my clan slumped urs into 50 man pulls the u tried to claim that you're not in a rivalry with us
  6. Lmfao i agree fop will always live in the shadow of foe
  7. Are u fucking stupid You're doing 20v20 pkris with 12 ranks and surprised ur locs arent leaked lmfao No one is gonna expose their deep leaks to hit ur 15 ranks doing a pkri
  8. Lmfao did proccy give u some of his drugs Stop hallucinating dawg you are clearly clueless stick to being a +1
  9. @Murdlmfao he just said u outpull us cause of bots i said we have more in ts and he types an essay starting with "yes u outpull us but ur leaders..." This guy a joke
  10. ??????? First of all we outpull u on ts so stfup Second, it's not down 30 anymore now u were matched Keep changing ur excuse by friday it will be "u teled while we were up a 100"
  11. I would say the same about u But u will just break until fo danny hypes up the "one last ride" for a week then goes to play trailblazer while ur ass slaving for him on sb
  12. ??? You sound hella dumb rn "Yes u outpull us and smoke us every week but that's because of excuse#1,excuse#2...,excuse#n"
  13. Dying clan outpulling and smoking ur clan every single week Interesting Cant wait to send ur ass to playing other games with danny on twitch
  14. Jamz's biggest fan picking up his essay typing ways


    Stop taking drugs you're embarrassing yourself


    1. slimjim


      Let's see what we got here. A demoralized fi, humiliated so bad that their last straw is making up almost half of their pull with mains and calling all the help they can get. if you don't believe that, the Legacy, Rage, and BP kids riding fi's dick on these topics are a prime example of that. I think its adorable that these clans have been broken to a point  that they have literally decide they'd rather all team up against Foe by helping fi than make something of their weekends. Whilst we we're spread at FOG first, 26 hills and boneyard you didn't even have the balls to hit us. You wanted to fight at CA cause that's where all your anti-foe allies could help you and losing would be harder since you're fighting on a return spot. fi members, open your eyes. Your ranks do not have any faith in their own calls nor in your ability as a member to fight well and return quickly. They would rather waste your whole evening by sitting at CA than fight us. And when we did you got fucking owned, the proof you see here and in the video's doesn't lie. fi got dicked by FOE again at all fights. The fi mentality is the mentality that made this whole scene cancerous and they still try to be 'succesful' by it, thinking that if you get fucking cleared to a point you have close to no members left at the fighting scene and your opponent teleports out because of it, you can 'claim' a win because you didn't teleport out first. 

      Whoever is ignorant enough to think fi didn't get cleared should realize the only reason a spastic like MURD would put so much effort in trying to prove they weren't cleared that he spend his whole day after sunday on finding milisecond moments in their own video's that could possible prove otherwise is exactly showcasing how butthurt he is over getting cleared. 



      Lmfao we post ur videos on our aftermaths 

      We dont have to find shit 😂😂

  15. No one cares about what u say or what ross says Go fix ur hairline
  16. U never close shit lmfao Ur clan tanks Ls until their rivals kill themselves by themselves with internal problems... Lmfao
  17. @Murdthis sick fuck @Proccyis still bumping his topic everytimr someone replies to another topic I guess sb is really all he got
  18. Recording a guy while he's mad drunk trying to push him to say stuff when hewas their own clanmate I agree wtf
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