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Everything posted by IGNORANCE

  1. Feels good to be #1 yet again
  2. Another victorious, action-packed Saturday for the bears. Seems like every clan wants to pick a fight with us, understandable, we're number #1. Shame apex is being foes lap dogs they seem to get a new pet every week, the most interesting thing however is the fact that nox is actually out here flaming like he is some sort of tough guy lul. God bless, more action for us in the long run. Good work today boys.
  3. Feels good competing for #1 every month. A lot of the clans trying to bash us can’t say the same. Using mains, teaming with other dogshit clans and now hiding from preps, yikes.
  4. Clan rage undisputed champions of the world.
  5. Clan rage competing for clan of the month every month, feels good to be Rage
  6. How many allies does foe need in order to compete with rage. sad.
  7. Clans really ducking the smoke. GG
  8. Man you didn't even leak the entire thing, the first verse had bare bars
  9. Im glad to see rage lives rent free in your mind, enjoy the winning topic pal, nothing wrong with being concise. Would you rather he type some cringe outlandish propaganda topic like your losing topics usually include?
  10. Another quality weekend trip for the bears, looking forward to midweek events. Stay safe boys don’t catch the Rona.
  11. I guess insulting women and making fun of cancer patients makes for good leadership, feelsbadman.
  13. Another day running these foe dogs around the wilderness.
  14. any topic about rage gets more attention than your clans saturday and sunday trips.
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