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Everything posted by Elveymage

  1. Massed up 52 Strong Vikings peaked at 59 later on, https://i.gyazo.com/thumb/1200/bb1ac7873296bde73017add001769ffc-png.jpg Dayum what a feast was it for the mighty vikings today, Reminding that JS is closed HIghlighting pictures. Pov JD Went to Boneyard where the green man army was defending, The Vikings rushed from north and took the advantage of the wrap, pushed down south until rage crashed held the bears for a while, Moment of reality Zenith logged in far east and went straight into a 20 man box lines of l0l0 were shattered took the dub when Zenith tellied out. Battle of the mossies : We were defending while Fatality rushed from west fought for a good while, Rage came to make it a cluster so the battle continued. Zenith + apeg tried to be relevant trying to hit this but got completely wiped out ll0l0ll GDZ Farm sesh started when we heared Zenith going to GDZ. Fully Cleared The anti alliance. Hello Zenith, Hopefully Jens vid was clear. This is your reality.
  2. Map was purple… few white dots of z LOL they started with 90 ended with 4 while my clan had 50 viking stomping white dotters
  3. Get over it kid, JS closed LOL
  4. Bro what u want me to do when Bp have fucking clans helping them and in that allies / we was rage OG BP JS BC I was Bc man Bp snaked behind my back and said i pmed fi ranks they started pm clans and tried to make clans against me man what u want me to do Or we fix this rivalry or idk what to do man Zenith just gave me loc idgaf about zenith and i didnt know OG was there they said BP V LY What u want me to do legit tell me they bringing horror intensity outbreak fucking vr leader with them and Bc what u want me to do on sundays vs all this clans just tell me and legit ill do
  5. Why z already shaking and starting to change terms
  6. all i have to say. Where the fuck was zenith l0l0ll Pov : Jens Thank you for battle Gorilla's and Bears Zenith & Apeg is this you reality?
  8. Massed quick 30 Vikings to end Zeniths high altar trip. after our hit. Pov : King Mallu
  9. Massed up 65 Strong Vikings peaked at 70 later on, Jumpstreet closed into Zenith early on this sunday trip, and making Droze insta council... U only lasted 1 month, tried to mass for today and only peaked 14 Puppies.. Guess who dun that to u. This Wednesday Blunt Purez reveals Full audio of JS hq + more, Stay tuned. Pov : JD Pov Slavery : TBA Went to GDZ to scout a fight between mains while clans were still massing up, rushed in from Spidel hill towards GDZ hut and killed everything on our path. Apex decided to logg in and aid the alliance as soon we farmed the fuck out of them. Cluster at Chaos Temple : Multiple clans included and standed out as last clan standing Farmed the fuck out of clans in ca and decided to fight Fi while ending with the same ops. Fo tried to crash the fight didnt go well for them. Under 10 wildy so their 1 deffers could be save... Goodfight clanners.
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