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  1. Forums | TeamSpeak | Discord Sunday 21st of November; Legacy massed up and peaked at 35+ Spartans for our mandatory Sunday PK Trip. We started off by fighting Hydra multiple times smoking them with ease. We also hit Terror and Zenith rats at CA multiple times, pushing those rats all over the minimap, aswell as fighting FOE and Blunt Pures. Yet again another easy weekend for Legacy. Destins POV Mannings POV
  2. clan-rage.com | Discord: ragebears | ts.clan-rage.com | ''Clan Rage'' cc 40 hungry bears set out today and pulled more than any other clan. Since the entirety of anti-Rage once again cancelled (surprise surprise), we can finally conclude that action is indeed NFS for the zenfopex alliance. Since there was not really any fights to hit (every clan somehow getting ragged by God knows who), we started a clan wars FT100 with Terror. They had a few invites from OFA and a little opts- advantage on us during the CWA fight but we won the fight in convincing manner. We then set out to the wild to get fights or hit any unofficial anti-Rage merged trips. Recap: We fought Fatality. Killed Apex who pulled 5 on meds We hit TR vs FS. We ran into Sup down south. Cheeky lil clear. We set up vs FI. Had some great action here FI ended so we went to kill some FS kids at 13s and called it. All in all, great trip, action, and a dub in cwa. Edgi: Miala: Ross:
  3. Forums | Teamspeak | Discord Saturday, November 20, 2021; Fatality massed up peaking at around 35 members for our weekly F2P PK Trip. With all the poorly lead clans canceling their trips today and 1 of them deciding to not even get on a single pure but still pulling 15, Fatality had the undisputed #1 F2p Trip. A big shoutout to apex getting absolutely humiliated today and displaying their utterly disgusting quality today. Its a shame that apex is still open especially with them being in a rivalry with Rage which apex is absolutely getting torched in week after week. Not sure how it can even be called a rivalry but ill leave that up to the soy boy to keep sacrificing his mental health and as long as he is in charge there is no way Fatality can ever lose to 12 baby sharks. Fatality vs Rage @Corp Fatality having slightly less than Rage today we decided that we weren't going to avoid(like every other clan does to mother Fatality) and we asked rage for a pkri which they gladly accepted. The fight was going in favor of Fatality but with Rage maintaining their ops the fight was back and forth for a majority of the fight. Fighting down at the start and the fact we maintained even ops for the rest of the fight it was very good action for Clan Fatality. Fatality vs Rage @26 Ft. then end of apex Logging in just south of 26 hill we inched it south where we meet Rage again down just a couple numbers. The fight was soon crashed by apex members that are dumb enough to follow the orders of a of someone who calls himself rancher nox they were on poorly geared mains and all 15 of them thought they could fight and compete with real clans lmfao. apex was absolutely wiped out the game today and were told to stop returning to try and save what's left of the reputation of that poorly lead "clan". Fatality vs Rage @26 Ft. then end of apex Rd.2 Again setting up with Rage, this time just southwest of sperm hill, the fight was super clean and apex didnt learn their lesson from last time. Without even considering changing up their strategy apex again tried doing something to both of the real clans. Shittiest performance from apex which isn't saying much seeing how they are use to getting cleared over and over again. apex should have taken the advice of the other 3 clans that canceled their trip but I guess being the #4 clan in that alliance they were left out of the conversation and left to die all day long! Just goes to show apex cant do anything to Fatality without 4 other clans backing them up and helping to save them from being the biggest meme in all of RuneScape clanning. This is What #1 Looks Like! -Better Luck Tomorrow apex maybe you can ask for help again @Stella @Paige
  4. clan-rage.com | Discord: ragebears | ts.clan-rage.com | ''Clan Rage'' cc We approached Blunt Purez for a P2P PKRI. After beating Apex into submission and spy-hitting them multiple times yesterday we assumed they may do something back. They did not! We have had clean midweek fights with various clans for over 2 months now. Anti-Rage = dead EST, GMT, AEST, Midweeks, Weekends.. it does not matter. We would like to thank BP once again for the clean and competitive GMT fight. Up to the next episode... Ross: Matias: 4ticks: Grey:
  5. Massed up 52 Strong Vikings peaked at 58 later on, Ah yes apeg had a sign up list, and JS never peaked above 27 even having Bullfrogs in there voice chat l0l Fully clearing Anti-BP on CA l0l0l. Pov king Mallu : Pov Jens : TBA Pov Slavery : TBA Pov Cohursted : TBA Went to ghost hut and waited for someone to hit us, got scouted and Fatality logged in at the pond went strong from the north line and pushed down south on them, Rage logged in on sperm hill and the fight moved on. Goodfight clanners As soon Fi tellied out and went for a regroup while we fought Rage, they logged back so we tellied out regrouped quick and hit Fatality on venenatis hill, GF FI Found JS hiding at CA and killing returners so we went there and punished the fuck out of them l0l, And zenith on XLPC accounts trying to be relevant l0l Fight versus Fatality boneyard, went from the wrap north and pushed far south saw Terror logging in south west of the fight on the 1 deffers killing returners pushed quickly on terror and moved back on to the fight west where Fatality was fighting zenith. Saw Jump frogs hiding at low altar level 14 visited them killed them in singles, Scouted Zenith versus Foe fighting at varrock ditch went there killed every higher level pure since zenith is on XLPC accounts l0l Fully cleared Fo and dipped out before Fatality rushed in, Went for a regroup at CA and rehitted the fight. This is your Reality btw Apegs + Jump frogs l0l Apex going once out with gear and getting farmed left and right l0l, And looks like Jump frogs merged trips didnt work well either l0l
  6. Forums | Teamspeak | Discord Sunday, November 14th: Final Ownage Elite peaked at a massive ~50 Eagles for our P2P trip. While Rage couldn't muster up more than 20 orphaned bears (who got pushed around all trip until they were reduced to 1 item), we decided today that the other victim & cosplaying clan needed a nice reality check (Fatality). We started our day with a clean 1v1 vs Apex at CA where we began pushing our weight around. We had a strong north side that pushed into them and controlled the side. Eventually, 1 itemers decided to crash so we just cleared them up real quick until they stopped returning before we teleported out to bank. We then set up a fight against Zenith at lumberyard. Our performance in the beginning was solid despite being down heavy and then a cluster formed as more clans crashed. We moved northeast to start clearing up Blunt Purez and then, funnily enough, full cleared them in record pace. We re-rushed west of the cluster where we found all of Jumpstreet in an enormous box until they were wiped in seconds. Fatality victims tried to rush us afterwards, getting a nice 3 man spam before getting completely fucking cleared LMFAO. We were setting up a fight after the cluster when the victims over @ Clumptality thought it was a good idea to rush us west of CA. That backfired real quick as we caught them in a gwas and forced them to teleport out (only to rerush nothing as all clans were already cleared). We ended our day with a nice 1v1 against Apex at CA. Mains attempted to crash the fight again but we killed them off quite quickly and worked our way around them to continue our fight. After a while we teleported out when there was only us and Apex. btw has anyone seen Legacy do fucking anything lately lmfao? We know you miserable dogs ended up in a shared cc with dead clan rage just to do nothing LMFAO. You are better off not teaming with them (so they don't steal more of your members) ~K2P ~Gerald
  7. Forums | TeamSpeak | Discord Sunday 14th of November; Legacy massed up 41+ Spartans for our Official P2P Sunday trip. We started off our trip fighting Rage at mossies before Apex, Zenith and RoT decided to show up in 1 item and suicide to us. We also fought Onslaught and Rage at GDZ. Zenith and Terror spent the vast majority of their P2P Sunday trip hiding at old Fog yet apparently pulling "70 mountain men" - (capping about opts won't save your horseshit clan btw). Yet again another successful trip for Legacy. Destins POV Johns POV
  8. clan-rage.com | Discord: ragebears | ts.clan-rage.com | ''Clan Rage'' cc After we KYPed 8 baby sharks yesterday and made fun of them we expected them to fight back today. To no surprise, Nox did sign-ups for his garbage clan only to spend their entire trip being in no gear ragging other clans. A little under 40 bears farmed Apex every time they logged in. We would focus them and just smack them around. They did not even put up a fight. They stopped returning after being fully cleared. It is sad to see that clans are depriving their members of actual clean action and choose to suicide to us. It seems that minion clans Apex and Zenith have long given up on F2P since their daddies are not there to aid them. Not as if P2P is any better... We still get our clusters, our action. Bring. It. On. We fought Onslaught We farmed Apex We fought Legacy We fought FI/TR/BP in a cluster We farmed Apex some more.. What did we do to these clans... Good way to waste your 40-man sign-ups for just that. LOL. Wonder how many of these 40 sharks will pull up for next Saturday when you have no help whatsoever. The wall of Runite will crush you. Low stamina, low impact... PM Tree#9257 to cash out. Many of your elites already have already done so. 4ticks: MIala: uploading... Grey: uploading...
  9. Forums | Teamspeak | Discord Sunday, November 14, 2021; Fatality massed up peaking at 55 quality members for our weekly P2P PK Trip. Today on this #1 Sunday trip Fatality massed up 55 true elites to look for some competitive fights. Once again we were a little disappointed in the quality that clans like zenith apex and most of all fo have. Even with mains in their capes and their real leader coming out of retirement fo was still bullied to either singles, forced into teleing, or forced to kiss the floor. Truth be told Fatality had to start the action once again by setting up a pkri with Bp at boneyard. With Bp defending we logged in rush them quickly forcing our dominance on the fight wrapping south and forcing them to tele after almost getting fully cleared. In the mean time we heard Terror had logged in south but before we could get to them they dipped (understand why they don't do p2p). Another "clan" late to the party was our good friends over at Fo HQ, hyped that they actually had a competent leader on today and spending most of their time this week hyping up their weekend trip Fatality was excited to fight another clan. Realizing fo is a thing of the past though we knew not to get to excited and we were correct. Fo had a very disappointing trip after calling on their retires and taking almost an hour to get action K2p's last ditch efforts to keep his "clan" alive was an epic fail. Finally fo's trip started, almost an hour after everyone else, so we decided to give our friends a little reminder of what #1 looks like and show them what a real legacy clan can do. The first fight we had with them they actually attacked back but not for long. Fully clearing fo in the first encounter we waited for them to get a regroup while we cleared zenith until mains came. Logging in on fo again they hit the panic button because of their incompetent rank team and got another regroup. fo once again stepped into the wilderness and like the previous two times they didn't last very long before they officially logged out for the rest of the trip. K2p not only asked Adhi to come help him but he also showed him what he has done to his clan in his absence. @Spark @Pwn @Paige
  10. Summary: Pulled 28 spartanos, got gwassed by apex, merged trip with rage, and hid from zenith. pls post pictures!
  11. MOST ACTIVE - BEST COMMUNITY - #1 PKING PURE CLAN FORUMS | TEAMSPEAK | DISCORD We were super excited for our P2P Sunday and to destroy the Pure Community, We quickly massed up 65 Zenith Members and eventually peaked at over 70 Mountain Men for our P2P Sunday Trip. We knew our rivals would not come near us having nearly triple their pull and #Anti-Zenith was completely shook not being able to pull over 50 collectively. This trip consisted of us hitting absolutely everything in multi and demolishing through every single pure clan in our sights. LY AND RAGE IN A COMBINED CC = WHO DUN IT? We heard Terror was at sperm and north of hills hut, We logged into their world and started pushing on top of them instantly dropping them and murdering through them at hills. We pushed them far into singles and then went north and killed up the stragglers, Once everyone was cleared we teleported to bank and thanked Terror for the fight. We heard Blunt Pures was sitting at CA attempting to crash a fight, We logged into them spread and started pushing them west and transitioning through them like butter. We cleared up the west side and pushed the ref teaming losers north towards corp and fully cleared them up, We went back to CA and caught a spam and waited for someone to rush us, SUDDENLY 20 REF members on level 80's rushed us and our TS3 exploded like the clumps they were in. We instantly banged them out and started laughing at them as they were cleared quicker then they rushed We watched as Fatality finally tried to get a fight and we came to clear them within 1 minute of their fight starting, We started rushing east on top of them and began to push them south towards sperm where they would be fully cleared and forced to regroup at ferrox. We caught a spam at sperm and then proceeded to go north on Blunt Pures and clear them up within seconds. Once both clans were cleared we teleported to edge and laughed at FI. We watched as Jumpstreet sat west of CA by themselves and we wanted some more lootations so we teleported up and hopped into their world and started going west and began to clear them up. They instantly fled into singles but couldnt do that correctly and we farmed through them until they were all in singles and we teleported out and caught a bank. We setup a fight against Final Ownage Elites and they defended Varrock lvl 3 and we logged in south of them, We had a heavy east side and started demolishing through them and pushed them far west, Eventually REF would crash with FI and FOE went north on FI and we started absolutely demolishing through REF on the south side of varrock near the ditch, We transitioned through their 20 man pull with ease and continuously farmed them for over 20 minutes. We cleared them up repeatedly and spammed and laughed at them the entire time, Once we had all 65 in game and they had 5 ingame we pulled north and waited for them to regroup and come hit us. We caught a fall in and walked to ferrox after absolutely demolishing #Anti-Zenith. Edited just now by Elve
  12. Forums | Teamspeak | Discord November 13, 2021; Fatality massed up peaking at around 44 members for our weekly F2P Saturday Trip. This is what #1 looks like. We don't cancel trips like Zenith pulling only 8 LOL! Today mother Fatality started our trip by setting up a pkri vs Rage. Fatality whipped out their rune scimitars and ran to boneyard ready for an always competitive fight vs Rage. After battling back and forth with Rage and Fatality getting the advantage Ly and Terror decided they wanted to get out the jungle and pretend they wanted to compete. Mother Fi pushed Terror and their invites towards singles and Legacy soon realized they wanted to fight in singles in joined them. Continuing a good fight vs Rage anonymous mains decided they were going to be annoying and we decided to get a regroup after fighting a good fight for almost 25 minutes. Fatality once again decided to start the action for a second time setting up another pkri with Rage, this time at CA, eventually turning into another cluster where Rage and Fatality had good action once again. For the second half of the trip Fatality witnessed apeg, fo and zenshit, with their pulls in the low teens, hiding in real clans capes begging for some action and eventually all 3 clans getting 5 man spams they all ended their trips early. Eventually the last 2 clans standing, ft Fatality & Rage, we had an epic battle vs Rage in F2p Clan wars guaranteeing that Fatality had the most action on this beautiful Saturday! @Punk @Stella
  13. Forums | TeamSpeak | Discord Saturday,November 13, 2021, We massed up 40 Spartans for our Glorious Saturday trip. This past week, low iq terror leader William/Lord Ex had the nerve to pipe up to me and join in on main alliances. Negro told me he would have 50 both servers and did big sign ups for just Legacy but managed to pull a decent 32 for us. Since Zlump only managed to pull 8 mountain men, we used our full focus on Terror to simply humble them. See you boys for round 2 tomorrow. Scims? the fuck are u on about? LOL Winners PoV ~ John's POV ~
  14. clan-rage.com | Discord: ragebears | ts.clan-rage.com | ''Clan Rage'' cc A little under 40 bears set out today to teach clans how to scim and bow. We like to iterate once again that we always prioritize pure versus pure action, even if there is a difference in opts. Pures, meds, mains. We have adapted and mastered every account build and bracket and we are a clan you'd rather have on your side. Either I'm with ya, or against ya, The Notorious BIG style. The state of the clans that are against us: Sup - cancelled Zenith - cancelled Fo- cancelled, came with a 6 man locked channel on meds with 5 cape switches Apex - barely hit a dozen. Remember when Apex High Council was flexing 50 man pulls in September... This is lightwork for Rage. Winter has come... Their daddies were once again not there to help them leaving our entire 15 men opposition to go in FI capes vs us, and were being farmed as a result thereof. Unfortunately only 4 clans still go out in F2P... LY, FI, TR and us. I am certain we still get the most action and have the most fun LOL What did we do to these clans? We fought Terror We fought FI Kyping 8 sardines (NICE TRIP LOL) Nice cluster Topping our Saturday trip off with 3 nice rounds of Knockout vs Fatality and taking the set and ending on a good note. See you guys tomorrow! Miala: Grey:
  15. Clumpa officialy drains the swamp Terror got manhandled. Apex struggle to pull 15 people. Zenith struggle to pull 10 people. Sup cancel. Fo cancel. Sv2 minions will not be tolerated Repent your sins.
  16. After probably more than 6 months we gathered 15 Liths for a fun Saturday PK trip. Went deep pking to high altar/vetion/lavas/glory hill/chaos elemental etc. Had a nice reunion and great time pking
  17. Set up a 3 way fight with rage and bp, pulled 26 and went to work with the owning. gf both etc chode gay guy who has a max cape brian
  18. Massed up 45 Strong Vikings peaked at 50 later on, Apeg and Jump frogs fully cleared + audio leaked agane from both sides. Droze u never passed 30 in cc. Dont tell me u did listen to your audio. Pov : Slavery + Audio leak Pov : Cohursted Clogwearing Vikings defended GDZ versus Fatality made a strong South wrap and pushed north, Rage crashed from west managed to push both clans far south towards gap, Ty for the cluster fight lads. Disabled dog told us Jump froggs made a way towards the hut so we decided to logg into them l0l , Later apegs came attempting to help their allies but got farmed and barraged on the tellies spot l0l Jumpfrogs + apeg 3 ingame l0l Killed Foe towards Gap while JS making a fake ending l0l After Apegs + Js lost their stamina they decided to spam together l0l, 4th sunday for apex beeing in 1 item, now wearing JS capes? l0l0 who dun it. We made the call to telly up to GDZ and they didnt come.. so we farmed the rest of the anti-alliance at P50 Tf is this 6 man spam? l0l loc stamina This is your Reality btw Apegs + Jump frogs l0l
  19. kings massed up 42 pitbulls peaking at 49 later to kill (B) Blunt (P) Pussies day light savings for our Americans Another great Sunday war for pitbulls. Jumpstreet was farming bluntpoop for over an hour. After their brain dead ranks forced their minions to bring only meds and mains, in despaired attempt to have some what an impacts in the pure scene. The plan back fired and they start loosing ops, only to end with ranks only on voice, so they called a day. Bluntshitters are skating " ON VERY THIN ICE...". Be like Jen, its time to cash out. pm Droze for a way out Droze#5555 our Bluntpussies victim leak told us they fighting Rage Bears world 523 at Gdz we teled up directly they hopped north west of us we caught them in massive fucking clump and clumped the fuck out of em after 20 mins clearing them they decided to not return we holded GDZ telespot waiting for them to comeback after 10 mins killing whoever is telling up to Gdz Bluntpussies leak told me get ready they coming west of u L000000000L 23 of them hopped west of us in massive Clump after 1min we dropped 20 of them and broke them. they tried to return but we legit killed all their return broke all their members made them go to AFK voice rosa screaming on voice none understand what he saying vortex not talking focusing return's in 1 item members leaving voice ranks pming the people in AFK voice get back LOLza i legit had fun Bluntpussies crying in my leak pm's get back. rosa in sb topic : we logged under JS killed em And again 44 in voice chat never over 30+ in cc... GG ROSA i did that to u goodshit merging CC whoever u will merge cc with i wont even atk them im just focus ur shitty green hats pures THIS MAN DREAMING ABOUT ME WHILE HE SLEEPING dutchies is smart and their ranks cashing out POV : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hQCIzRwzQM LOOT PICS : PM Droze#5555 to cash out
  20. Forums | Teamspeak | Discord Sunday, November 7th: Final Ownage Elite headed out with 42 Eagles with one goal; destroying all anti-foe. We went out and did exactly that, getting multiple full clears on the typical dogshit clans, you know who you are lmfao. To no surprise, while we had a clean 1v1 with Zenith at 26 hill, smoked LY multiple times with ease; Fatality was too busy focusing one person in singles in another world, and Rage were too busy having one of their 30 minute regroups while remaining the pile of trash they are lmfao. Maybe next weekend Fatality will accept a 1v1 against us instead of avoiding all trip and then ending early, lol! ~K2P
  21. Forums | Teamspeak | Discord Sunday, November 7, 2021; Fatality massed up peaking at 55 quality members for our weekly P2P PK Trip. Fatality vs BP Started off our beautiful Sunday with a pkri vs bp at white plat. We were spread heavy on the north and quickly overwhelmed them as we were super aggressive from start to finish. BP was quickly were Cleared up with very few casualties. Rage decided they were going to finally start their trip and logged in to. Fatality vs Rage Still having the numbers and the supplies to fight and Bp getting cleared and running to singles we decided to stay and fight Rage. However the fight wasn't much of a fight at all Rage seemed to have forgotten how to eat their food and we demonstrated once again why were are the #1 Pure clan. Pushing Rage all the way east and noticing some 1 itemers suiciding, because thats all they have the braincells to do, we moved south of gap cleared up the stragglers and went to get our first bank of the day. Fatality vs Cluster At the point already having the most action of every other clan we knew we were going to have the best Sunday but when we teled back up to Gdz to hit another pure fight we say the hilarious site of apex member and leadership getting absolutely farmed. Im glad thats what they decided to do with two hours of their day today. Would of loved to stay and watch but we had a real fight to get to. Moving east to new gate we found some Rage and Legacy fighting and knew we wanted in on the action. Quickly clearing up the legacy and pushing them south to singles we turned on Rage where they put up a good fight for a while until some mains logged in and we went to get a regroup. As we were getting a regroup our little pigeon clan logged in after all the other clans had teled out still yet to get any action at this point....lmfao... Fatality vs Cluster Moving down to bandits we were challenging any clan to setup a fight with us and again we were forced to start the action. Sadly no one could keep up with Fatality today. Clearing Legacy and fo logging into singles we moved slightly west baiting fo to singles and like the puppies they are and lack of control from the top down they were baited and gwassed on the multi line and were forced to tele out. This being the only action fo had at this point they were looking for anything to be able to post on their pathetic aftermaths where the claim they are rebuilding into something to be afraid of.....obviously they will never be able to do anything to Fatality under the current leadership. THIS IS WHAT #1 LOOKS LIKE! @Punk @Paige
  22. clan-rage.com | Discord: ragebears | ts.clan-rage.com | ''Clan Rage'' cc On this fine Sunday we set out with approx. 36 bears for our weekly KYPING trip. Zenith cancelling in a record-time (30 minutes) and Apex suiciding in 1 item or their entire P2P trip to BP in JS capes made us once again realize how dead the opposition is. Sup had a few fights which we had quickly intercepted. We simply do not understand how the T38-cape alliance chooses to waste their weekends to suicide over and over again thinking that they are breaking clans such as BP, Onslaught and Rage. All they do is tire and exhaust their members and make their RS banks wear thin... We had some nice clusters and hits here and there but since the entire scene was at GDZ ragging we moved there and killed any 1 itemer double logged Apex slaves and their daddies. Playing whack-a-shark This is one final call to any clan that teams with the anti-Rage clans. It has not worked for any main/med/zerk/pure clan to date. We also urge newer clans to consider this as a formal warning. Below is just a list of the fascists we have brought to an end. PM Any commander on the right side to discuss the terms of your surrender.. PM Tree#9257 for a good time... Lootie from the trip Miala: 4ticks:
  23. Sup tards. Today the wheelchair warriors over at Onslaught set out for our Sunday crusade with 34 autistic apes. Today we had scraps with Rage and Fi before switching gears and farming some slave clans, most of whom had decided to remain near the holy land, far away from their safe abodes near ferox. With 3 slave clans degeared to no gear and 1 slave clan seeking to reclaim its indepenence, our smoke session was thorough. With the mains who'd threatened to camp us months ago broken into submissive multi-logged zombie respawns, KD stats were padded throughout the day. Alongside Rage, who have also not felt the true pains of this war for the recent months, we chose to sign the Treaty of GDZ on this day, signifying the end of the Crashwar as it pertains to our sides. Announcements as to the divvying of rival assets will come at a later date. To all of the slave clans who wish to cosign on this treaty, please pm flower#6217 or Jizzle#1310 to discuss your terms of formal surrender, before you're too deep in the bunker.
  24. Forums | Teamspeak | Discord November 6, 2021; Fatality massed up peaking at around 36 members for our weekly F2P Saturday Trip. Slow start to the Saturday as all clans love to avoid Fatality (The Kings Of F2P), but picked up with some quick clean clusters before the mains decided to make there appearance. Another fine Saturday afternoon for Fatality, we started off setting up with Terror on 26 hill quickly clearing them up we forced them to move to the northern side of 26 hill where Demoralized Fearless was waiting bare naked, waiting to hit something with there rune scims for the 10TH weekend in a row. While we let them have there fun we came to realize Rage logged in just southweast of 26 hill. We quickly rushed on top of them with our rune scims absolutely annihilating them within the first few minutes of the cluster. After clearing Rage, like every other weekend, we had Terror rush back south to hit us on top of sperm. They quickly came to realize that they're unable to compete with the numbers Fatality had, so they had no other choice but to run southeast to hill giants, through gap and into singles and leave. After a nice beginning to the Saturday, we set up with Rage at corp hill. They logged in just south of the hill and directly on top of us. We quickly rushed southeast on top of there 5-6 man DD and killed them. Forcing them to run north to the Corp Cave entrance, FO decided it would be a good idea to log on top of us with our capes on. We quickly took off our capes, cleared the 15 pures/mains they had with them before having the mains crash. Bringing the fight over to inside bandit camp castle, Terror, yet again got pushed to singles before the mains logged in. The mains had there own thing going on inside the castle so we decided to stand on the bridge and quickly cluster with Terror before getting out and having the mains crash again. @Spark @Paige
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