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Clarifying what you can and cannot report (few examples)


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I only make because people recently have been reporting people for cauliflower reason and it's getting annoying going through threads and finding out it isn't even warn worthy. 



What isn't reportable.

  • Reporting someone "For having someone elses name on Sharkbrew even though it's not him." -Slushpuppy said "First come first serve"
  • You can't report someone for having a troll sharkbrew name Ex: "Doom Sucks" "Foe Sucks" etc. 

What is reportable

  • Leaking Irls and leaking Irl Information gets you a Perm no questions asked.
  • Leaking a clans leaderboards.
  • Putting someones family members in your avatar etc.
  • Making a forum account name as someones full IRL name
  • Linking someones Dox results in a ban
  • Someone spamming "EOOOPP" in 10 different posts is terms for spamming.
  • Racist comments towards someone is reportable aswell. 
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Firstly, how come some troll accounts have been banned considering it's "first in, first served" as slushpuppy has said? From observations I've seen, some troll accounts have been banned simply because they are an "imposter", however as you have now made it clear that is not a bannable offense. Would those accounts be unbanned or would all of the other impostering accounts require the banhammer?


Also, are there rules towards the behavior of mods or are they allowed to create/contribute towards mobbing or individually attacking people/clans as are the rest of the members of Sharkbrew entitled to?

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Firstly, how come some troll accounts have been banned considering it's "first in, first served" as slushpuppy has said? From observations I've seen, some troll accounts have been banned simply because they are an "imposter", however as you have now made it clear that is not a bannable offense. Would those accounts be unbanned or would all of the other impostering accounts require the banhammer?


Also, are there rules towards the behavior of mods or are they allowed to create/contribute towards mobbing or individually attacking people/clans as are the rest of the members of Sharkbrew entitled to?

Uh those troll accounts are always banned because they accumulate ALOT of warning points over a short span of time and no Mods don't get special treatment, @@slushpuppy always tell mods to stop being broccolied *He's even told me to not get involved with drama.* 

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Firstly, how come some troll accounts have been banned considering it's "first in, first served" as slushpuppy has said? From observations I've seen, some troll accounts have been banned simply because they are an "imposter", however as you have now made it clear that is not a bannable offense. Would those accounts be unbanned or would all of the other impostering accounts require the banhammer?


Also, are there rules towards the behavior of mods or are they allowed to create/contribute towards mobbing or individually attacking people/clans as are the rest of the members of Sharkbrew entitled to?


Some of the troll accounts were being used to post ips/irls/flood people's aftermath topics.



Also, are there rules towards the behavior of mods or are they allowed to create/contribute towards mobbing or individually attacking people/clans as are the rest of the members of Sharkbrew entitled to?


I have already warned my mods

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