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[R]age's Glorious Saturday | Slaughter's Shame Ft. SD


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No but CD Control you. 


Video ofc wont show it. You got CD on us when we were about to fight but then CD logged in so be dipped.


You're also still talking brown sticky stuff to a clan that is obviously better than yours when it comes to matched fights. Also the 44v43 to 41v36? Lmao you serious? 


lame lame lame excuses


maybe you shouldn't ddos 

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You must understand after 'bloody october' (1917 revolution in Russia), the revolutionaries were under attack by many different forces fromt he U.S. allied Imperialist Tzars to the fascists in different corners hitting villages. As Russia was a backward country it took them some years (very low if you consider the progress anywhere else in the world ever) to develop and start to fight against Germany. Although I'm not happy with the fact that Russia was pretty much absent in the first, its conditions would have further crippled it. I'm more unhappy with my home country Turkey, who allied with the Nazis (when the fascist party in Turkey took power).


You must also understand that when the revolutionaries seized power, the U.S were worried already, as it was a socialist force rising - thats why they also allied with the Tzar family and army. Lenin died far too early, and things would have been a lot more different if he were alive. Stalin's intentions in multiple times of each year was poor and sadistic. Although I hate those fascist Nazis with a great passion, the acts of Stalin were not so different. But I would urge you to read into Trotsky and Lenin, who were very different intellectuals unlike Stalin who was an army officer.


Ofcourse if the socialists never siezed power in Russia Hitler would have/still be conquering the world. The impact of the Russian forces were greater than the U.S and the U.K. I'm just not happy with the aftermath, with many countries affected by the war and not many helping them. Stalin was no different from Hitler or Churchill.


Communism was looked down upon by many in Europe because of Stalin's actions, and we call that the 'red-scare'. Its basic propaganda against all leftist theories that they are dictatorships. 99% of the people I meet who aren't fond of leftist theories cannot explain what they are nor expand on their criticisms. Its just =/ not sure what to label it.


I'm also not happy with Putin, he did some things right out of many that were just wrong.


I would definitely like to discuss the rise of capitalism and oversea trading in the Netherlands with you sometime over irc. We do this sort of thing all the time with others, exchanging information is very good and educational.

Copying some of this brown sticky stuff down for possible future history homework like... XD
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I'm still smoking the confidence of Niblet after saying he's proud of getting 3-0'd.

Still sitting on Duval's bail money to get him out of state prison because he's an unfit father & jail bait.

Relaxing on Lenin's comfortable google image victorian artwork & outdated opinion.


All in all, Slaughter seems to be doing just fine LOL.

Prison jail bait and unfit father?



1. Never went to prison only have been to jail for minor things and u cant bond out of prison. So your a broccoli.


2. I have zero kids and everyone makes mistakes in life for me i signed for a child i believed was mine and wasnt. Oh well. Her mother is a crack whore so i hope my 40$ every two weeks buys peyton food and clothes.


3. Jail bait? Do you even know the meaning of jail bait.



4. Slaughter is brown sticky stuff

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