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Fatality F2P Fights Clusters Without Banking Ft. T. LY.

FI - Kryptonite

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Today, Fatality headed out with 49 Elites ready for another action packed Saturday. 



Fatality vs Terror

Fatality set up with Terror East of Bandits, Fatality started to defend behind the dead tree next to the Lava at Bandits. Terror rushed from the East, Fatality pushed on top of Terror with scims dropping so many binders left behind on the rush.


Fatality vs Cluster

Legacy rushed the fight but Fatality held their ground. Fatality pushed Legacy across bandits until Fo/Rage crashed the fight, Fatality held outside Bandits while Legacy went inside and Terror moved away north. Apex tried sniping the fight from the East so Fatality forced them off back into singles. Fatality pushes on top of Legacy inside bandits pushing them around in circles, Eventually pushing Legacy south to the telespot forcing them to bank. Fatality continued to fight Terror at the telespot.


Fatality vs Terror

Fatality set up vs Terror again on Corp Hill, Fatality took the defence in the trees and awaited Terror to rush. Fatality pushed out south to kill Terror stragglers, Legacy crashed and started the next cluster. Fatality took the north side of the fight and watched a sea of rune arrive at a pure fight.


Fatality vs Cluster

Fatality crashed a fight between Legacy and Terror from the south of East Bandits forcing Terror north and Legacy inside of bandits. Fatality stayed on Terror north constantly scim pushing Apex back to single whenever they tried to be relevant. Fatality regrouped south before pushing into Legacy just inside the bandits fortress, then Fatality dragged outside causing slow Legacy members to get dragged inside of the Fatality clump. Fatality killed the stragglers then pushed Legacy further north inside bandits against the water, when Legacy tried running south Fatality snared them down 1 by 1.




















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