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About Devin

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  • Location
    New York
    Pure Warfare

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Advanced Member

Advanced Member (3/3)



  1. Nothing like training some agility. 

  2. Died in 2019, but you're still here.. Tell me the sense in that...? Also, since you say the design is garbage, can you do better? Not anyone else, I mean you.
  3. Hey, we'd like to congratulate all the winners of Sharkbrew 2021 Main Community awards. 2021 has been a year full of ever changing rivalries & even with the f2p scene not as active as it used to be, you guys showed amazing resilience. Like the pure community, we added more individual awards because it's not only about the clans, it's about the community. Here's to 2022 and we look forward to seeing you there.
  4. Hey everyone! We'd like to thank everyone for taking part in this award ceremony. 2021 has definitely been an interesting year for the pure community as we've seen the scales shift between many alliances & rivalries. We took the idea of adding more individual awards because we felt the need to acknowledge our members in this community & not only clans. We look forward to what 2022 brings us & we hope to see you there. Congratulations to all the winners!
  5. You really thought you did something? Lmao
  6. Why is this even still a topic right now? I thought we resolved this? Are you bored or something?...
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