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Red Vs Blue (HPC's)


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unfortunate but 100% true.


clans like FOE and EOP, if they set their minds to it, could in all honesty pull 100 each by themselves.


Its a great concept but there were some very big flaws pointed out within the LPC clan ranks during the RvB this past Sunday.


Ex: so Sunday CV pulled between 70-80 by themselves. That left 20-30 spots for 2 clans worth of ranks and members. The other clans ended up asking CV to kick their own members which created a little tension, but it was certainly understandable, its a big event and everybody should be able to attend.


The point I'm getting to is, and ofc this is assuming its in Clan Wars, how da fuck are you gonna put 3-5 HPC clans on one team and cap it at 100 people per team? Who's members sit? Is there a combat cap or minimum combat? Who manages the CC? What TS is used (we had 3rd party hosted teamspeaks but the permissions were all fucked and if you had over 90 in the channel it muted everybody, mods couldn't move people into locked channel, it was a mess)


And of course this would all be irrelevant if the event took place in the wild, but then we are presented with possibilities of main clans, excluded HPCs (if any) and possibly LPC clans sniping the fight. In a fight that big, locs are undeniably gonna get leaked and then its just one big fuckfest and gl figuring out who's with who or who won (if that even matters but its a fun event so really who gives two fucks)



It'd be great if Jagex would boost the cap of CC's so we could get ops over 100v100 but that's more than unlikely


I'm not trying to brown sticky stuff on anybody's parade I just don't see it possible putting that many clans on one team, getting them all in the same cc and teamspeak, and the ranks all working together. Granted I'm not a rank in a HPC clan but anybody who's active in a HPC can see that there is some serious drama and hatred between some, not all, ranks of opposing HPC clans.


I'd love it see it happen, obviously this is just my point of view and opinion.

In the first comment I said it should be in the wild. I clearly know that we can't put 5 hpc clans in one team if it's 100v100. I made the topic looking at a 300v300 point of view, in the wild.
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quoted straight from my ambassador thread




If we're worried about main clans crashing, there's no fear. Sharkbrew officially have 2 main clans that we can directly communicate with to handle  F2P main clans crashing but on the other hand, there aren't any real superior main clans currently as they're all pulling near the same aka will hunt each other if they hear one clan has entered the wilderness.



To put in perspective


If ROT were to crash, they'd pull about 20-30 just to snipe, if they're out either EOS or vR will hit them with same opts aka they'll end up fighting.

Eventually other main clans will come out for fights also.


If we were to be hit by mains, I believe it'll be just randoms or people in current pure clans on their main. I really don't think it will make a huge difference in a 200v200

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LPCs managed to do it fine without this happening so I don't see what the issue would be lol

The last HPC rvb's have resulted in particular clans opting to bs eachother for laughs rather than take part in the actual fights. By all means I support Red vs Blue but I'm not as optimistic as I could be about it.

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