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Making Rice

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Making Rice last won the day on June 9 2014

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    Giant of Ice

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  1. back to doing graphics - contact me about clan packages :)
    07gp only 

  2. current logo is very playful and nice, this logo is good, but at a small size the details would really suffer. To be able to use this anywhere - I would recommend simplifying it a lot more, use 2 colours (that contrast) very good start tho
  3. who creates vectors from scratch? :o
  4. its more for convenience sake, i stopped doing graphics like a year ago really, but i still get people asking regularly XD gl with your sales
  5. this guy is really fucking good. you guys can stop messaging me and max on skype and buy from this guy please <3
  6. you have, ive just drawn over something i like, so the colours are fully editable - i dont take credit for creating this all i did is i took the logo and drew over so that its more clean lines rather than jagged edges and added text; that is all
  7. all colours and text is changeable
  8. i'd be happy to help; you can shoot me a PM with what you need and i will get to it ^^
  9. thanks all. i was never trying to replace the current logo; i was bored and had free time so i made this - i wont be making any updates of this or revising it at all. thanks for all the feedback
  10. edit: thanks all. i was never trying to replace the current logo; i was bored and had free time so i made this - i wont be making any updates of this or revising it at all. thanks for all the feedback
  11. the font is called krinkles
  12. im from knights-bridge >.> idk who you are either, why are you calling me out?
  13. i was talking to Ross about meeting up >.> as for your off license, it doesn't seem like the sort of place I would want to go to o.O but that is a nice rhyme tho, 'u man can out quote me u can out broccoli me but mums life u cant outlast me' you ever thought about rap battles?
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