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Everything posted by iamdecaptain

  1. make a topic about banter sent in a public disc channel, cry more fucking retard
  2. @puppyslushFI promoting racism because they cannot handle losing, ban them!
  3. you have the mental age of a 5 year old, gratz apex
  4. they had 35 people watching also, jamz doesnt trust his members lmfao
  5. @the 35 members sitting in a  channel watching... YOUR WARLORD THINKS U SUCK LMFAO WHY FIGHT FOR HIM? gratz apex big win !

  6. @puppyslushits fucking cringe u give fi the win when they had +35 members online watching lmfao, get out of jamz' asshole, how does it taste?
  7. big gratz apex tbh, fi had 35 ppl in another channel, jamz doesnt trust his own members!

  8. big gratz apex tbh, fi had 35 ppl in another channel, jamz doesnt trust his own members!
  9. you are actually crazy LOL go get help foe live rent free in your head
  10. fi forgetting about all the mains in their cape! big cry mains were fighting eachother not us or fi lmfao, that 92 in ur pic is with rev in ur cape, stfu spastic LOOL
  11. brian lives in your head rent free
  12. fi really complaining about mains, beautiful sight! you see 1 or two mains who have foe capes and you log in 20+ mains, cry is free jamz
  13. first time fi has done good in about 5 years and they big mad they'll be dethroned after a month lo0l0l0ol0LOlolOL cant wait to kill ur mains!!

    1. Chillax


      U laugh like a horse

  14. u guna put that on ur resume when u break and go mia??
  15. it is logical when ur mains turn round and hit foe lmfao keep hiding behind excuses to start a main war lmfao
  16. why do u always have +5 to 10 mains in ur fallin? stay mad dont break lmao
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