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Status Updates posted by Truth.

  1. I'm going to start a petition to have Zenith removed from this plaftorm.

    1. They pull 7 ranks and pretend to have clean fights (clearly propaganda, trying to brainwash the young)

    2. They don't even use pures but call themself 'The most active pure clan'.

    3. Their leader "Elverymage" is a confirmed Peadophile.

    1. RevenantOSRS


      didnt rev just lose to tempest inc lan wars?

    2. orgasms


      Damn we really did some heavy damages to anti-foe look at u guys 10 kids crying on status :(

  2. Just in, Apex has lost a staff of the dead whilst pking on their mains!

    They are banned from using pures in the wildernes.. #Rage


    1. orgasms


      actually ur banned from multi jaja

  3. No one can stop Rage.


    They are way too powerful!

    1. orgasms


      stop who ur clan with 20 pures and 50 mains? 


  4. Rage and Foe should prep each other and battle it out like real men in a matched fight. 

    1. F3ar


      But rage would win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @orgasmsyour dogshit kid


    It has been 15 hours since Apex tried fighting BP and got into a rag war. They are now down two elder maul's.

    Yes, I said two.


    1. Robbo


      LOOOOOOL Apex getting bullied by BP 🤣

  6. Did 'Apeg' close...Haven't seen much action from them recently.

    Maybe they're taking a rest?

    I mean getting slammed everyday must be stressful.

  7. I've just been informed by an agent working closely with me that Zenith is on the verge of closing!

    2021 has only just begun. Chin up ladies.

  8. Zenith was pulling 150 alone 6 months ago.

    My question to the 4 clans what showed up to CWA, why did you guys only pull 130 as a whole?


  9. Zenith haven't won one fight in CWA over a month which is no surprise.

    So now, they enjoy themselves pking ghostly robes in an open clan chat consisting of 30 vzla's.

  10. I've said it before.. I will not tolerate propaganda on my territory.

    Finaly Ownage Elite.. This is your last warning!

  11. You do not, and I mean it.. You do not want to go through this pain!


    ~ The Truth

  12. Just looking at some of the #Weekend topics and there seems to be one missing pure clan from both saturday and sunday. Can anyone please tell me why Zenith did not make a topic, did they close?

  13. Sharkbrew should do some sort of award for people who tell the truth. Hate seeing propaganda.

  14. Why do people feel the need to lie for no apparent reason over runescape?

  15. Does anyone know why certain clans like Zenith don't post any topics anymore?

  16. I didn't allow you virgins to speak below me, by the way.

    PM me for permission.

  17. Think your tough posting losing topics over runescape, huh?

  18. You think your cool? 

    You're not.

  19. Can anyone contest Rage right now?

    Best performing F2P clan in the pure scene. 

  20. Don't dare try posting in the status updates, by the way. 

  21. You should atleast DM me for your permission slip first.

  22. Today, Zenith finally made it public knowledge and fully merged with Apex. They invited 5 Apex members to their TeamSpeak to fight BP!

    They should start operating under one clan name from now on.

  23. Setting up a 20v20 PKRI at 5am isn't impressive, by the way.

    Hurry up and create that new clan name you will operate under from the 1st of January.

  24. People are forgetting that I own this part of the forum.

    Don't contest me.


  25. Sorry guys, I completely got the numbers wrong.

    It was a 12v12 at 5AM.

    How embarrassing.

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